Drizzle TeamDan Claroni

using unions with "with" clause

I am trying to do something like the following, but cant figure out how to do this with drizzle syntax.
WITH common_subquery AS (
SELECT user_id, column1, column2
FROM shared_table
WHERE condition
SELECT user_id, column1, column2
FROM common_subquery
JOIN table1 ...
SELECT user_id, column1, column2
FROM common_subquery
JOIN table2 ...
WITH common_subquery AS (
SELECT user_id, column1, column2
FROM shared_table
WHERE condition
SELECT user_id, column1, column2
FROM common_subquery
JOIN table1 ...
SELECT user_id, column1, column2
FROM common_subquery
JOIN table2 ...
Dan Claroni16d ago
i'd like to do something like await db.with(usersSubQuery).union(prefsSubQuery, recurringPrefsSubQuery);
Dan Claroni16d ago
i opened a GH issue with it, since I dont think this is possible https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/issues/2230
[FEATURE]: Add ability to use CTEs with UNION queries · Issue #2230...
Describe what you want When peforming a union, I would like to be able to use the "with" clause to define a CTE. For example: const usersSubQuery = db .$with('sq') .as(getUserSubs...
Sillvva15d ago
Use the builder pattern
const result = await db
... // your prefsSubQuery composed here
const result = await db
... // your prefsSubQuery composed here
Dan Claroni15d ago
@Sillvva that query in the Union block throws an error that it doesn’t know about the usersSubQuery
const usersSubQuery = db

const prefsSubQuery = getPrefsQuery(usersSubQuery); // uses db.with(usersSubQuery)

const recurringPrefsSubQuery = getRecurringPrefsQuery( // doesnt use db.with(usersSubQuery), but does use usersSubQuery in the from block

const rows = await prefsSubQuery
const usersSubQuery = db

const prefsSubQuery = getPrefsQuery(usersSubQuery); // uses db.with(usersSubQuery)

const recurringPrefsSubQuery = getRecurringPrefsQuery( // doesnt use db.with(usersSubQuery), but does use usersSubQuery in the from block

const rows = await prefsSubQuery
PostgresError: relation "usersSubQuery" does not exist it's wrapping everything up until the union in parens
Sillvva15d ago
Hmm. I'm not sure.
Dan Claroni15d ago
does that query you posted work for you just fine?
Sillvva15d ago
I haven't tried it with query functions like that. I don't have any I can work with right now to test it. The docs show this builder pattern though. (Click the builder-pattern tab in the code block) https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/set-operations#union
Drizzle ORM - Set Operations
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
Sillvva15d ago
I'm not sure why it wouldn't work with with
Dan Claroni13d ago
@Sillvva I got around to trying this today and it doenst work. you have to specify either db.select or db.with(sq).select for the right side of the union. Either way, drizzle wraps the entire left side in its own parens and the entire right side in its own parens, so the CTE is scoped within the parens. I tried using a query builder object too, but same issue @alexblokh @Andrew Sherman any ideas on this?
Andrii Sherman9d ago
I thinks it's a bug, we will work on fixing it. Also if someone wants to take it - feel free to file a PR
Dan Claroni9d ago
Thank you!
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