FilamentAdnan Yalahow

how can i add requiresConfirmation when creating records

i have trid this
protected function getCreateFormAction(): Action
return Action::make('create')
protected function getCreateFormAction(): Action
return Action::make('create')
but nothing seems to be working someone help me please
```php protected function getCreateFormAction(): Action { return parent::getCreateFormAction() ->submit(null)...
Povilas K•16d ago
Not sure if that would be any help, but I tried to reproduce and indeed the default create action doesn't trigger confirmation, but any custom callback function instead, would actually work with confirmation.
protected function getCreateFormAction(): Action
return Action::make('create')
->action(fn () => Notification::make()->title('Created!')->send())
protected function getCreateFormAction(): Action
return Action::make('create')
->action(fn () => Notification::make()->title('Created!')->send())
This worked for me. So, maybe consider building a custom action instead of the default?
LeandroFerreira•16d ago
protected function getCreateFormAction(): Action
return parent::getCreateFormAction()
->action(fn () => $this->create());
protected function getCreateFormAction(): Action
return parent::getCreateFormAction()
->action(fn () => $this->create());
Adnan Yalahow•16d ago
ohh Thank you This solved my problem I have tried something similar and it did not fulfil my requirements, but i appreciate your help🙂
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