
numeric() function casts represents number with comma and not with dot

I don't know why but the numeric function casts somehow the dot notation to comma representation. Maybe someone knows why that is?
->placeholder('e.g. 3')
->columnSpan(['default' => 2, 'sm' => 1]),
->placeholder('e.g. 3')
->columnSpan(['default' => 2, 'sm' => 1]),
If I remove the numeric validation the number shows with a dot.
Zoltes•17d ago
It probably has something with LOCALE. Check the .env file
TheNastyPasty•17d ago
In my .env
Zoltes•17d ago
Trying to display Price with ',' decimal Seperation · filamentphp f...
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TheNastyPasty•17d ago
Thanks for your answer, but its hard for me to figure out whats the solution to my problem ? 🙂 Somehow this does not work for me
->mask(fn (TextInput\Mask $mask) => $mask
'money' => fn (TextInput\Mask $mask) => $mask
->mask(fn (TextInput\Mask $mask) => $mask
'money' => fn (TextInput\Mask $mask) => $mask
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