Drizzle TeamGary, el Pingüino Artefacto

Filtering a jsonb with the shape Array<{id:string,name:string}>

Hi. I have a query that returns all the posts with it's categories like this,
type Posts = {
id: string
title: string
categories: { id: string; name: string }[]
type Posts = {
id: string
title: string
categories: { id: string; name: string }[]
I'm trying to filter the posts based on it's categories. This is what I have Helpers:
function jsonBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields>(shape: T) {
const chunks: SQL[] = []

Object.entries(shape).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (chunks.length > 0) {


// json_build_object formats to ISO 8601 ...
if (is(value, PgTimestampString)) {
chunks.push(sql`timezone('UTC', ${value})`)
} else {

return sql<SelectResultFields<T>>`coalesce(json_build_object(${sql.join(chunks)}), '{}')`

function jsonAggBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields, Column extends AnyColumn>(
shape: T,
options?: { orderBy?: { colName: Column; direction: "ASC" | "DESC" } }
) {
return sql<SelectResultFields<T>[]>`coalesce(jsonb_agg(${jsonBuildObject(shape)}${
? sql`order by ${options.orderBy.colName} ${sql.raw(options.orderBy.direction)}`
: undefined
}), '${sql`[]`}')`

function coalesce<T>(value: SQL.Aliased<T> | SQL<T>, defaultValue: SQL) {
return sql<T>`coalesce(${value}, ${defaultValue})`
function jsonBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields>(shape: T) {
const chunks: SQL[] = []

Object.entries(shape).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (chunks.length > 0) {


// json_build_object formats to ISO 8601 ...
if (is(value, PgTimestampString)) {
chunks.push(sql`timezone('UTC', ${value})`)
} else {

return sql<SelectResultFields<T>>`coalesce(json_build_object(${sql.join(chunks)}), '{}')`

function jsonAggBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields, Column extends AnyColumn>(
shape: T,
options?: { orderBy?: { colName: Column; direction: "ASC" | "DESC" } }
) {
return sql<SelectResultFields<T>[]>`coalesce(jsonb_agg(${jsonBuildObject(shape)}${
? sql`order by ${options.orderBy.colName} ${sql.raw(options.orderBy.direction)}`
: undefined
}), '${sql`[]`}')`

function coalesce<T>(value: SQL.Aliased<T> | SQL<T>, defaultValue: SQL) {
return sql<T>`coalesce(${value}, ${defaultValue})`
Current query:
const sb = db.$with("sb").as(
categories: jsonAggBuildObject({
id: categories.id,
name: categories.name,
.leftJoin(postTags, eq(postTags.postId, posts.id))
.leftJoin(tags, eq(tags.id, postTags.tagId))

const postsWithCategories = await db
sql`${postsQuery.tags} @> '[{"id": "098b9acb-694d-4c00-b87f-64f9811f8810"},{"id":"46bba9b2-9b50-4e70-9284-6cddb2fe32d4"}]'`
const sb = db.$with("sb").as(
categories: jsonAggBuildObject({
id: categories.id,
name: categories.name,
.leftJoin(postTags, eq(postTags.postId, posts.id))
.leftJoin(tags, eq(tags.id, postTags.tagId))

const postsWithCategories = await db
sql`${postsQuery.tags} @> '[{"id": "098b9acb-694d-4c00-b87f-64f9811f8810"},{"id":"46bba9b2-9b50-4e70-9284-6cddb2fe32d4"}]'`
Gary, el Pingüino Artefacto
Gary, el Pingüino Artefacto19d ago
async function getPostsByTagIds(tagIds: string[]) {

Parameterize '[{"id": "098b9acb-694d-4c00-b87f-64f9811f8810"},{"id":"46bba9b2-9b50-4e70-9284-6cddb2fe32d4"}]'
Into something like:
const filter = `[${tagIds.map(id => ({ id }))}]`

return await db
sql`${postsQuery.tags} @> SOME MAGIC HERE`
async function getPostsByTagIds(tagIds: string[]) {

Parameterize '[{"id": "098b9acb-694d-4c00-b87f-64f9811f8810"},{"id":"46bba9b2-9b50-4e70-9284-6cddb2fe32d4"}]'
Into something like:
const filter = `[${tagIds.map(id => ({ id }))}]`

return await db
sql`${postsQuery.tags} @> SOME MAGIC HERE`
This doesn't work btw
async function getPostsByTagIds(tagIds: string[]) {
const ids = '[{"id": "098b9acb-694d-4c00-b87f-64f9811f8810"},{"id":"46bba9b2-9b50-4e70-9284-6cddb2fe32d4"}]'
return await db
sql`${postsQuery.tags} @> ${ids}`
async function getPostsByTagIds(tagIds: string[]) {
const ids = '[{"id": "098b9acb-694d-4c00-b87f-64f9811f8810"},{"id":"46bba9b2-9b50-4e70-9284-6cddb2fe32d4"}]'
return await db
sql`${postsQuery.tags} @> ${ids}`
I ended up using this workaround, may be there is a better way
async function getPostsByTagIds(tagIds: string[]) {
const ids = z.string().uuid().array().parse(tagIds)
const obj = JSON.stringify(ids.map((id) => ({ id })))
return await db
sql`${postsQuery.tags} @> '${sql.raw(obj)}'`
async function getPostsByTagIds(tagIds: string[]) {
const ids = z.string().uuid().array().parse(tagIds)
const obj = JSON.stringify(ids.map((id) => ({ id })))
return await db
sql`${postsQuery.tags} @> '${sql.raw(obj)}'`