Catching unique constraint violations and returning the field(s) violating it in a "service" class
I'm working on creating a pretty standard API in .NET Core using EF.
I have various fields in my project (e.g.
) that need to be unique. I'd like to be able to tell the user that the "slug" field is already taken when they try to create/update.
I've searched around and found some relatively complex solutions and I'm just wondering if I'm missing something simpler. Is there a general best practice surrounding this that I'm missing? I had some hope that there was something built in to EF Core for this.18 Replies
You generally run a query manually to check it
i've created a few helpers as you can see here, but i'm hoping to return some helpful information in my exception
this could still error after checking though (theoretically — if one was created in between)
You could do that too, but the issue is that you might have to parse the error to get info on what exactly was violated, for which field, and then map it back to the property
It can't be verified programmatically
You can check the error code in the exception though
Ok, thanks. So I might be best off making some sort of helper and re-using it in my services like this?
There's a code that corresponds to constraint violations for example
You generally validate before inserting
because you will likely lose information if you just try to insert
lose context, i mean
e.g. you can't easily know for which field, or for which value the error was
and parsing the error message is not something you should rely on
So basically, do a check on the slug and return a helpful error if it is taken.
If the unlikely scenario happens where its taken right after the check, then just return a generic exception since it will probably never happen anyway
yeah probably
(if i wanted to simplify this and keep moving)
consider using a transaction possibly
afaik it's isolated, aka if some other thread updates the tables in the middle, your logic won't see the new things until the transaction ends
I used to have helpers for fluent validation for this on the previous job, but it was horribly complex
the interface was really simple but the implementation was insane
so I don't recommend that
Yeah I can imagine... I appreciate the help. I think I'll just add the unique checks before the create/update and call it a day
There's a nice library that makes EF error handling more sane. You can actually catch a
instead of having to unwrap the inner exception and checking the code with magic numbers and what not — I saw this while I was searching around but I'm hesitant to add libraries without understanding all my options, but I'll look more into it
So someone did the dirty work of parsing the exceptions huh
This is how those errors should be by default imo
It's probably not the default because it's not free
The db engine just gives you a string and a code probably