Selenium WebDriver and NUnit Tests
The script itself works, the problem lies in testing this thing.
I think it's because the tests check for unselected boxes but im not sure. Any one with ideas is welcomed!
private readonly By selectedSyntaxDisplay = By.CssSelector(".select2-selection__rendered");
private readonly By pastedCodeInput = By.CssSelector("textarea - form js - paste - code");
public string GetSelectedSyntax()
return Driver.FindElement(selectedSyntaxDisplay).Text;
public string GetPastedCodeInput()
return Driver.FindElement(pastedCodeInput).Text;
private readonly By selectedSyntaxDisplay = By.CssSelector(".select2-selection__rendered");
private readonly By pastedCodeInput = By.CssSelector("textarea - form js - paste - code");
public string GetSelectedSyntax()
return Driver.FindElement(selectedSyntaxDisplay).Text;
public string GetPastedCodeInput()
return Driver.FindElement(pastedCodeInput).Text;
string selectedSyntax = HomePage.GetSelectedSyntax();
Assert.IsTrue(selectedSyntax.Contains("Bash"), $"Expected 'Bash', but found '{selectedSyntax}'");
string inputedCode = HomePage.GetPastedCodeInput();
Assert.IsTrue(inputedCode.Contains("git config --global \"New Sheriff in Town\"\r\ngit reset $(git commit-tree HEAD^{tree} -m \"Legacy code\")\r\ngit push origin master --force\r\n"),
$"Expected 'git config --global \"New Sheriff in Town\"\r\ngit reset $(git commit-tree HEAD^{{tree}} -m \"Legacy code\")\r\ngit push origin master --force\r\n', but found '{inputedCode}'");
string selectedSyntax = HomePage.GetSelectedSyntax();
Assert.IsTrue(selectedSyntax.Contains("Bash"), $"Expected 'Bash', but found '{selectedSyntax}'");
string inputedCode = HomePage.GetPastedCodeInput();
Assert.IsTrue(inputedCode.Contains("git config --global \"New Sheriff in Town\"\r\ngit reset $(git commit-tree HEAD^{tree} -m \"Legacy code\")\r\ngit push origin master --force\r\n"),
$"Expected 'git config --global \"New Sheriff in Town\"\r\ngit reset $(git commit-tree HEAD^{{tree}} -m \"Legacy code\")\r\ngit push origin master --force\r\n', but found '{inputedCode}'");
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