canAccess() is called on every page/resource AFTER logout resulting in an exception?

I use a default panel for Filament but I have problems on using the default logout - either frm the user dropdown in the top navigation bar or using the account widget logout button. After clicking logout Filament redirects and calls the /logout route using a POST request. During that I get an error 500 and the following exception (see logs attached). This is the method that produces the error from my FeatureSettingsPage:
public static function canAccess(): bool
return auth()->user()?->isAdmin();
public static function canAccess(): bool
return auth()->user()?->isAdmin();
So there is nothing special here. But the problem is very strange: Why should Filament call this method? After logging out I should be redirected to the login page and there is no need to call the canAccess() method on specific pages? I tried to return just true in the canAccess()-method but then Filament just calls the next canAccess-method from another page and so on. I removed the path for the panel provider because I want to host the default panel on the default path without any prefix: From my App\Providers\Filament\AppPanelProvider:
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
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