model of earth

Have any flat earthers been able to come up with a working model of the flat earth to replace the globe yet? that can account for sunrise, sunsets, eclipses, etc??? Currently we can use the globe to explain and understand these phenomenon and accurately measure distances and flight/ship times and routes, etc. If you can come up with one please share it here! P.s. EgoSlave the channel is read-only. If I could reply I would 👍🏻 P.s. dagas/Creationbear the globe is the model I asked you to replace with a working flat-earth model if any of you possibly can. 🌐 Try to keep up 👍🏻
10 Replies
D Λ G Λ Z2mo ago
there is no working globe model to replace
Haystack Hunk
Haystack Hunk2mo ago
sunrises, sunsets, and eclipses aren’t modeled on a globe to begin with. not necessary: unless you can present otherwise
indio0072mo ago
Uhh it literally already does all that. The equation of time predicts sunrises and sunsets Saros cycle predicts eclipses.
Haystack Hunk
Haystack Hunk2mo ago
he laughs. i wonder if that’s a nervous laugh. unless he has a clever reply i’ll assume it’s a nervous laugh
CreationBear2mo ago
fook models. Literally there’s also no globe “model” to replace that’s asking to replace the non-existing hoes you don’t have
indio0072mo ago
this isn't a debate channel. Don't edit your posts ex post facto so you can nuh-uh answers and make baseless ignorant claims. or I will bar you from this channel. You have a false premise as a pointed out. and you just piled on another. models DO NOT EXPLAIN. They DESCRIBE. None of those things you said use a globe, you're misinformed. They use a CELESTIAL SPHERE not an EARTH BALL How dumb do you have to be to say models measure things?
CreationBear2mo ago
the globe is the model
no such thing exists theres no need to replace something that doesnt exist
indio0072mo ago
@Spergfish the model of the sun that is used in reality. It's observer centric in the math. there is no globe.
Shane St Pierre (@AntiDisinfo86) on X
Stars Shane explains in 10 minutes: Celestial sphere: Star Trails Southern cross more Perspective and the Sky: Rotation and counter
From An unknown user
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indio0072mo ago
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Flatsy Cline
Flatsy Cline2mo ago
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