Help! Can't install drizzle-orm
I am absolutely new to drizzle and just prepared a fresh new nextjs project to try it out. Right after my nextjs setup, I tried to install drizzle with mysql2.
Then got this massive error that says -
3 Replies
Hello. This is an issue the Drizzle team is looking to address soon and there's a Github issue open with some possible workarounds/temporary solutions
[BUG]: drizzle-orm@0.30.10 not working with react@18.3.1 · Issue #2...
What version of drizzle-orm are you using? 0.30.10 What version of drizzle-kit are you using? No response Describe the Bug react@"18.2.0" is marked as the peer dependency Expected behavio...
Ohh. I hope it gets fixed soon. Thanks a lot! ✨
No problem. Keep it an eye out for when it gets solved 🙂