File Upload Issue
I add validation max size 2M and I try to add 1.9 M file then it shows error like this.
The mountedTableActionsData.0.file.ca2ed8ee-98f8-4d33-83d4-e7664c4e9f62 failed to upload.

Solution:Jump to solution
The image sent is in base64. Try increasing the value of your client_max_body_size in php.ini (and maybe post_max_size too)
6 Replies
Just to be sure, is the max file upload size value sufficient in your php.ini file?
@Alexandre Thank you for reply
max_file_uploads => 20 => 20
upload_max_filesize => 3M => 3M
opcache.max_file_size => 0 => 0
My configurationDo you have a particular error in your console?
console error
The image sent is in base64. Try increasing the value of your client_max_body_size in php.ini (and maybe post_max_size too)
Thank you @Alexandre It works !.
I add
client_max_body 100M;
on nginx config file inside server block.