Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000000 crash happens randomly
As the title, sometimes can be after hours of gameplay, sometimes within minutes of continuing from MM.
Not doing anyting at the time either apart from watching factory.
Log is attached
Any help would be appreciated
37 Replies
(Known error
) Note to mod developers: the mod FicsitWiremod is attempting to register a null schematic, as of SML3.6 this is no longer a crash but should still be resolved. This could be caused by leaving a null entry in the list, or by referencing content from a mod that is not loaded at runtime.
-# Responding to nullschematic
triggered by @Rdc74656hm, the log doesn't contain that exception
Your log is also massive and absolutely spammed with BuildGunUtils messages - is that normal, @SifVerT?
Could be some text but depends on what the spam is about
23k times
Okey. That's a tad much
Must find where it looks for a null recipe
there's also a vast amount of
but I thought that was probably someone else's?
That isn't mine
the fact there's both seems like there could be a common cause though...
Hello all thank you for rapid responses. I’ve deleted everything in satisfactory steam folder to do with wiremod so circuitry and ficsit networks just to be sure, I also deleted from SMM and since then my game hasn’t crashed. Don’t know if that’s what that nullschematic was referring to.
I didn’t realise bGU sent messages where do I find those?
that's all debug text in the log you sent
Circuitry (wiremod) and Ficsit Networks are entirely separate, and the null schematic shouldn't have caused your crash, but more complex mods do have a greater potential to cause issues
I couldn't see BGU spam in @Rdc74656's log
The null schematic has been a problem with circuitry for a long time, but the author isn't here so I don't know if he's aware or cares
really? starts on line 240,374
Yes I wasn't checking far enough into the log.
The other spam isn't BGU though
It checks a recipe for products when it shouldn't
Which is null
Does it state what is looking for a recipe? Is that to do with blueprints?
BGU mod is. It doesn't crash the game though
Just spams log with warning messages
This info bar sometimes stays on even though I’m not building anything. I think that’s related to infinite nudge but could be wrong.

Thats BGU
Ah well maybe I can tell it to stop displaying that, that might stop it spamming messsges?
The error is internally in BGU which is looking for a recipe and the output of that
Oh ok. I don’t understand that, and there’s no option to turn off that info bar thing
this just happened
Well, it's belt related
Hard to say what mod could cause it without a full debug log
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in #help-using-mods. This ensures that your help request won't get buried and forgotten in other, non-help channels!
If you need to access older log files, see https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#Files_Logs
(generally crash stacktraces don't give a lot of useful information)
-# Responding to
Key Details for SMMDebug-2024-10-28-15-50-16.zip
triggered by @Rdc74656could it be i use magic splitter like for everything?
Could be, I'd be much more suspicious of AutoLink though
it's still very new and has had some teething problems, because as far as I understand it, attempting to do what it does opens several very large cans of worms
since the recent crash was specifically in AFGConveyorChainActor, which is a vanilla class which handles belt connections, it seems pretty likely that something set a belt up slightly wrong, and AutoLink fits the bill
@Epp does that seem likely to you?
Aw damn, it is a god send of a mod. If it had similar functionality to SMART and could auto connect to existing belts and such we’d be laughing
It's definitely conceivable but, if that debug info is correct, there are over 100 mods installed and I'd lean more towards a mod conflict than any one particular mod.
Could do with one big mod to merge all together. 1 mod to rule them all
The unfortunate thing about writing mods like this is you have to find a place in the control flow to add your behavior and the intuitive or documented places don't always work (like, I found multiple places where I was handed partially-complete belts). So there could very easily be timing issues based on when each mod does its thing.
What AutoLink does with belts is actually pretty straightforward - it just finds a good connector, (if necessary) removes the belt from the AFGBuildableSubsystem, calls connect, then (if necessary) re-adds it to the subsystem to rebuild the chain actor. It feels a little bit nonstandard in that it can remove and re-add a belt in the same frame and I obviously can't promise it's fool-proof, but it also feels about as close to standard as it can be without being integrated into the native game.
Well now see I use magic splitters and belts in BP quite a bit and I’ve seen more crashes the more BP I create. I’m just going through mod list now to remove ones I could live without.
^That said, if anybody's ever reading this and has ideas, I'm always open to hearing I should be hooking into different places in the code. Right now, I just have after hooks into AFGBuildableHologram::ConfigureComponents (and some child classes) to handle individual construction and AFGBlueprintHologram::Construct to handle blueprint construction.
Well I’ve removed underground belts and no logistics at all because I feel that they all do the same job as magic splitter and if it helps reduce the strain on the conveyer belt handler then so be it
It's also important to know that improperly-interracting mods can permanently corrupt things. When I was testing, I had a bug where I accidentally added belts twice and was hitting weird crashes when I deconstructed, seemingly at random. I had to revert to an earlier save to keep testing because the errors of the past were cemented into the game with no real way to undo it. If you're playing with mods, keep a LOT of auto-saves.
Honestly, keep a lot of auto-saves anyway. My friends and I have hit corruption issues playing on a dedicated server with no mods, as well.
Yes I found an issue similar to what you described with an overlapping belt. Don’t know if it was a blueprint or just a duplicate build how it happened but every time I attempted to delete it it just crashed the game.
Is there a way to delete no longer needed CFG files or at least maybe way to get an up-to-date installed mod list from SMM then I might do a full uninstall of everything Satisfactory related and start again