How can I save the Static Mesh transform of an FGBuildable?
I change the locations and rotations of a buildable via a widget
How to save these values?
10 Replies
You have to make sure the buildable can be moved, temporarily change the actor mobility to Movable if necessary. This should work in singleplayer
In multiplayer, you need to move the buildable on the side with authority (the server). You need to use a RCO for this, see and ExampleMod for information
The Static Mesh moves very well
But what I want is that when I leave the game, this new position is saved
Which buildable is it? Are you moving the entire buildable or just the static mesh component?
When I come back to the game, this object must have kept the transform that I gave it
It's a FGBuildable and and for now I only move the SM
Do you think if I move the FGBuildable it will save?
Is it any specific subclass of
? There's many subclasses, with very different behaviours
The buildable's transform should be in the save game so changing that should workNo subclass of FGBuildable
Is this correct or is something else needed?

If the buildable is saved into the save game, moving the buildable itself should work
If you want to move the mesh component, I believe the mesh component also needs to be saved
OK thanks, I try