StreamDeck Actions for Devs
Here's the actions that I'm using for StreamDeck to speed up my development process. While they may or may not work on your machine, they should give you a starting point of how to configure them. They're not yet perfectly "tuned in" as I just made them yesterday and haven't hit all the possible edge cases, but sooner or later I will.
I am using the following Plugins for these:
Window Actions
BarRaider Super Macro

11 Replies
1 - Opens Rider (The IDE I'm using - if you're using VS or VSCode it should be pretty easy to adapt not just this button but the other buttons)
2 - Start Build - Starts a build of the project inside of Rider
3 - Start Editor - Starts the UE5 CSS Editor from inside Rider
4 - Start Satisfactory - This is for Steam version anyways
5 - Magic++ - This combines multiple actions - it builds the project, then opens the editor, then packages whatever you have checkboxed in alpakit for dev, then opens satisfactory, then attaches the debugger. Depending on the speed of your PC you may need to adjust the delays. When you press it again it closes everything except Rider.
6 - Magic - Does what Magic++ does but doesn't first build the project, since I find I spend more times hitting the "SF Build" button and when it finally works then it's unnecessary to build it again. When you press the button again it closes everything except Rider.
7 - Stop Satisfactory
8 - Step - just runs Step Over in the IDE (I know icon is wrong for this but #closeenough)
9- Pack Dev - Assuming UE editor is open and Alpakit dev window is closed, it opens up Alpakit dev and starts the packaging process. It's a switch so when you press it again it closes the window.
10 - Open AlpaLog - Assuming UE editor is open and Alpakit logwindow is closed, it opens up Alpakit log. It's a switch so when you press it again it closes the window.
11 - Attach Debugger - hits the hotkey for Rider to attach debugger and then presses some keys that should find the Satisfactory process.
I hope no one is making C++ mods using VScode :wonke:
10 - Open AlpaLog - Assuming UE editor is open and Alpakit logwindow is closed, it opens up Alpakit dev and starts the packaging process. It's a switch so when you press it again it closes the window.That seems wrong, copy pasta error? 🍝 5 has a repeated sentence (I mean you probably meant VS) You'd still need something to build with, and since Windows builds use MSVC, you might as well use VS instead of VScode For ContentLib JSON mods, VScode is fine I'm using VS
anyways I'm going to delete all my comments here so that it's a bit cleaner - thanks for helping with the grammar though 🙂
@NoxByte this may interest you, or maybe you'd like to share too
what i did is plebian compared to this
in that case I guess it can help then 🙂
For anyone who doesn't use a streamdeck but wants to emulate actions in autohotkey or do a python script or similar, I can put all the components of each (or the requested) action so you can recreate it how you'd like. I won't spend the time unless someone would like it though.
The streamdeckaction files are zips (or something 7-zip can open)
while true, this is kinda hard to parse meaning from

It's just minified json. Run it through a prettifier and it will be way more readable.