Moving Meshes at Runtime
Moving this here as it's still a blocker for me and I guess it's more complicated as the more general UE modding server suggested coming back here to ask again - Do you have to change anything else meshes to update? E.g. setting visibility off and on again, or disabling/re-enabling collision?
When updating node location, such as using
I notice that setting this location/rotation for both works if its during their spawn, but it doesn't appear to update their location once they've already been spawned.
I'm also not entirely sure if I have to update the MeshComponent separately from the Actor or not, since the mesh is attached to the actor when I spawn them using
tried again with
the method is being called and is updating these appropriately, and the mesh is moveable (also as an aside, weird how AActor::SetActorRotation is missing the fields the other methods have ... (
I can't find anything in UE documentation or forum/reddit/etc that seems to deal with this
Epic Games Developer
AActor::SetActorRotation | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic D...
Set the Actor's rotation instantly to the specified rotation.
Solution:Jump to solution
It turns out I'm a big dumb and there were at least a couple issues
1. My identifier from spawning wasn't propogating back to the struct I store it in so he was not properly finding the resource nodes to begin with :sadalpaca: .
2. I wasn't ensuring that I ignored self-raycasts, so when it did work everything was wonky, especially since there was a small chance it was moving a node from elsewhere on the map on top 😅...
17 Replies
Pictured above - mesh position didn't update 😐

are you able to send the file so I can take a look?
I assume these are static meshes? there could be an issue if they mesh is set to static instead of moveable or doesn't fire an event post begin play
as a side note, you might be able to use a set transform, which has your loc & rot combined
It's spread across a couple files, but I'll give more context
The meshes set to moveable, but about firing an event ... maybe?
The set transform is also a clever idea
transform does the exact same thing, just easier to have in one, less repetition on your end for the same purpose!
I am just thinking if tick is not enabled or it doesnt have an event dispatch equivalent, it will never be enacted to update
not touched much C++ for satisfactory atm, so not fully in the know just generally seen a lot of thgeir classes have tick off by default not on
ah! tick is certainly not enabled ... at least for my code anyways
try updating it per game tick to see if it just works at all, if it does work you can then move it to be a called event instead knowing it should fire is the original spawning logic, which spawns the meshes with the extra rotation/location information if it has been raycast within the save before
SpawnCustomResourceNodeSolid - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
ill take a look; my C++ is not that strong, so just trying to help where I can will see if I spot anything! 😄 This is where I update the mesh locations based on the results of CalculateLocationAndRotationForNode which handles the raycasting/finding average elevation/rotation
UpdateWorldResourceNodes - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
This 2nd method is where the SetActorLocation/Rotation and SetWorldLocation/Rotation don't update
I think something related to tick is probably the culprit
Even if you don't or my shitcode goes over your head, I appreciate the ideas as its something else to investigate :hypers:
haha thanks, yea hopfully I can help! it's like a semi known language, I can read it and understand whats going on and speak words but I will miss parts of the sentance structure xD
yeah there's some things related to tick for actors/components, so you are probably right. I'm somewhat unfamiliar with the concept being new to UE5 still, but this is something that there's answers appearing on UE5 forums so I'll dig into this more.

Yea I feel like it's got no way of setting other than the initialisation stage. So as an example for a runtime moving platform its this below:
void AMovingPlatform::Tick(float DeltaTime)
// Pass to base
FVector location = GetActorLocation();
location += FVector(15 * DeltaTime, 0, 0); // Update location based on DeltaTime
Looks like you could just take your existing NodeData.Location & PlayerLocation and use that as the same rules to calculate & update on a per tick basis to test functionality
thanks! I think I have enough to figure it out 🙂
I appreciate it
let me know how it goes!
It turns out I'm a big dumb and there were at least a couple issues
1. My identifier from spawning wasn't propogating back to the struct I store it in so he was not properly finding the resource nodes to begin with :sadalpaca: .
2. I wasn't ensuring that I ignored self-raycasts, so when it did work everything was wonky, especially since there was a small chance it was moving a node from elsewhere on the map on top 😅
(please mark a different message if you think it's a better summary of the answer)