Magic fluid splitter sends fluid to fluid teleporter inputs
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> sorry for another one. As per title. The magic fluid splitter is sending fluid to your other fluid teleporter inputs…..and I think outputs as well but regardless of what said output is outputting, eg I’ve got molton iron being teleported to a water teleporter output lol
6 Replies
Hmm, I just got the mistake Rdc. I have to change the way fluid teleporter works. In the current version it uses ContentLib, generating recipes for up to 50 fluids, and I believe that the magic splitter will try to fill all these recipes in the inputs!! 😮 I urgently need to do a complete rework on the fluid teleporter.
No worries man I know you can smash it out the park.
Could I make a mod request, a blueprint compatible ratio adjustable merger and splitter, preferably if it could be added to smart and programmable splitters would be great.
I am starting to work on coal generation with this mod, water will not transmit at all. But coal won't as well
coal teleport is not working, water had to be manually worked cause it didn't work either

Hey Anarelion. Hmm. Using the "magic spliter for generator" doesnt work for the coal too? I thing suplemental fluids isnt working indeed, have to figured out how to fix it asap.
oh thanks