The Mojo Approach to Performance Programming

Is it possible to view slides/recording of this workshop? As mentioned in the abstract, it provides insights about how the Mojo compiler works. Link:
3 Replies
Darkmatter3w ago
I think that @shib may need to take a look at it, but given that 2023 is in the ACM library it may be paywalled and I don’t know the ACM policies for things that aren’t open access (because all of my work is) off the top of my head. You may be more likely to get a paper than a recording, but both are interesting.
Caroline2w ago
I'll ask around internally and get back to you!
Scions2w ago
I am also quite interested in this. I also tried to get to read about it but to no avail at that time. Please let me know if there are any resources made available.
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