Splitter and merger meshes disappeared
Something sent my splitters and mergers to the shadow realm. I'll do some troubleshooting in the meantime

92 Replies
Restarting didn't solve it
Restarting again after disabling autolink resolved it
I'll try re-enabling autolink again and see
and its not reproducible ... they appear now
my favorite type of bug
here's the logfile from where they were missing anyways ... it's just filled with so much logspam from various mods it's hard to tell what's what
i think im having the same issue, haven't happened with mergers and splitters but it happened with power poles, also happens sometimes when i try to zoop some buildables after i just zooped a line of them
i dont know if it related, but i think it is, also now when i buid beams they dont show up at full lenght after beeing built

i updated infinite nudge and infinite zoop, for now it seems to have lessened my problems, its happening less often
Having similar issues with sampled splitters and mergers with no build hologram, as well as power poles appearing and disappearing. I can't reliably reprroduce either.
Someone attributed this to CableChoices +, I haven't had the time to check but could you tlel me if you're using it and try without it?
Honestly I can't decide if I want it to be related or not. If it is then it's my fault somehow but is also litterally insane that I could be causing it. If it isn't then we have 0 ideas what's going on
Someone has also blamed this on SnapOn but I don't know how that could be
fwiw I wasn't using snapon, but I am using CC+
but its inconsistent enough that even just pinning it to a specific mod is nigh impossible to do
Such weird things happened two times in like 6 hours of playing and probably 120 times loading the game (also testing my own mod) over the last week?
I'm using Neither of those mods
It seems to creep up after about a 30 minutes of playtime
im not using snap on or CC+ for me it seem quite random when it happens, sometimes when it does happen i just restart the game and it works fine for the whole play session even if its hours long
Unfortunately for me, this bug exists in my newest gameplay as well.
Sometimes power poles or wall outlets disappear after loading the game, and sometimes the build holograms are invisible (whether it’s vanilla or modded structures). Maybe we should share our mod lists to compare and check which mod might be causing the issue?
Have you tried verifying the game files?
I have
Yeah, verified files, tried enable/disable many mods, and still same issue with holograms (and compass names dissappearing sometime...)
If possible, try to reproduce the issue in a new game session
I started new save after ficsmass patch ~7 days ago
It is happening to me in a new save as well - sometimes foundations, sometimes mergers/splitters
Still haven't found the culprit but I have experimented some :\
yeah, i had missing splitters, then restart and they appear again now its foundations :NOOOO:
YEAH, sometimes affect my gameplay too... it's really annoying
I disabled Build Gun utlilities and it seems to have solved those issues
At least, the build holograms dissapearing
I've had mergers just disappear randomly from the world, and wall mount power disappear if I try and connect a line too quickly. Not sure if the second one is related or not, but seems to be tied in with the power poles issue I was having.
All items still exist and appear on a reload.
I don't think that's it - I don't have it enabled and the problem persists
that's what makes it hard to identify though, because its so damn inconsistent
In addition to this, I have Resource Roulette and More Lighting Options but they're manually installed as they're my own
I've been working through enabling/disabling them in chunks to see, but since its so inconsistent it's really hard to tell if it works or not
How do you pull that nice list? I'm trying to compare our lists
I made it in excel because the SMM copy modlist isn't working 😅
I copied the list from the metadata.json in the SMM debug and used excel "separate into columns" and separated based on "
Exactly what I'm doing right now
That's what I got
If anyone else wants to share their modlist, we might be able to narrow it down further
I'll try disabling the Curve Builder mod – it's probably the only one I haven't checked yet...
FYI I am using curve builder mod and do not have these issues.
Maybe it's a conflict with other mods
Have you tried full reboot of the windows? Not shutdown and start, full reboot.
I had someone report very same issue with disappearing mergers, that somehow went away after they restarted the machine.
This is a reliable way to solve the issue for a time, but we're trying to discover the root cause, not just address the symptoms
Restarting the game is enough 99% of the time, but this is not a 'real fix.' Curve Builder doesn't seem to be the cause of this bug. I just loaded my save, and all the wall power outlets were gone. Restarted the game, and voila - everything is working as intended.
I'm not sure what you mean by shutdown and start vs full reboot. I assume you mean not choosing reboot but instead shutdown wait a few seconds and start.
But I can guarantee the issue persists regardless of PC state as I shut the PC down entirely each night - it is the kind of bug that appears maybe 25% of the time so it's difficult to pin down which mod it is. I don't think it's a vanilla bug.
We have all of these in common, so unfortunately I can't rule anything out, but it does narrow down the list quite a lot
Sorry, that was the list of matches, not my full list
ah so you already narrowed it down then, still helpful 🙂
WE can problably elminate the basic mods too, SML and ModUpdateNotifier
yeah I'm confident in that assessment 🤝
ConstructionPreferences touches Power, FlashlightSettings and NoDirtMask affect rendering, and PersistentPaintables hits just about everything
Those are my guesses
I have had this issue, just out of curiosity do you have any of the bp designer mods installed, like either giving you free or variants of the designer
I have that issue, and I’m using the same mods from @LarkinOmega’s list:
CurveBuilder (disabled, but the issue still persists)
(of course many others, but only that mods match)
Well that narrows it down a lot, FasterManualCraftingRedux seems like a weird source of the problem
And I'm sure we'd have way more reports if it was Infinite Nudge
I have infinite nudge and fmcr, issue is very sporadic though for me
very sporadic is definitely how I would describe it
and... this is probably why some people don't report this bug - because it's really sporadic and nearly impossible to reproduce (or at least very hard to)
At least we've narrowed it down to those two.
I've been running without FMCR in the last few sessions, my mergers have been stable 😕 Time to turn it back on for a while. I hate trying to prove inconsistent problems.
Pretty much confirmed it's Faster Manual Crafting Redux, immediately had all my power poles disappear
Splitter holos disappearing without FMCR installed
Infinite splines looks the culprit for me
I don't have that mod and still experienced the issue. It's probably not tied to any specific mod - it's likely a vanilla bug. Maybe it's easier to encounter when using mods, since mods add more content to load in the game..
Could it maybe be something that doesn’t have to be for a specific mod but could be a shared parameter that mods change, maybe infinite splines mod changes a parameter that another mod also changes so a person doesn’t have to have that particular mod installed but a different one?
I take it things work normally with mods completely disabled?
i haven't encountered the bug with all mods disabled but that's no guarantee :NOOOO:
i also don't have infinite splines
unfortunately, looking through the non-modded discord i don't see anyone encountering the problem ... i'll check the bug reporting site
What's also strange is how many people using mods don't have the issue
it's weird as it's not a one-off - there's a few of us with it, but you're right in that it's not a common one
i wonder if its a graphical/UI/something setting + a mod causing it that we have in common?
i didn't find anything about it on the bug reporting site
So the current issues are:
1) Meshes missing from Mergers and Splitters already placed in world
2) Meshes missing from Mergers and Splitters build holograms when cycling through selections
3) Meshes missing from Power Pole and Wall Socket Plugs already placed in the world - Possibly Related to FasterManualCraftingRedux
Before the recent update of infinite splines I rolled it back to a previous version and that did cause majority of programmable splitters to disappear but were still working, all you could see was the shadow from the input/output areas of where splitter should have gone. I updated splines back to the up-to-date version at the time and the splitters came back.
I know you guys were saying you don’t have infinite splines installed but I bet there is a variable that is changed by a different mod you have installed that infinite splines also modifies. Obviously im not a mod dev so I’ve no idea how mods work but that’s all I can summize….i haven’t done any testing with FMCR but I have had that installed for a long time and this issue hasn’t really happened before.
During testing of another issue I had a while back I did turn all mods off and did not noticed splitters mergers disappearing.
Not sure if this was helpful but it’s all I can add lol.
FMCR is disabled, power pole bug has come back, but it's also doing things to pillars

Mergers and Splitters aren't having a problem
That's the gravity cannon BP, with a missing pole in the back left. Interestingly there isn't any collision on the pole, and new poles show up just fine.

This bug seems like a race condition between multiple mods. I don't have FMCR installed either but my power poles have been disappearing as well with the same symptoms. It seems that updating mods, downgrading mods, enabling certain mods, and disabling certain mods seems to agitate the issue. Just today I updated
Infinite Nudge
from 2.3.0
to 2.3.2
and, upon launching my most recent save, my power poles started disappearing again. After restarting the game though, it fixed itself just like before.I wrote a text document on my findings. It's not that long of a read and I tried to make it look presentable.
Interesting... so that's what shows up in the log when one of my power poles disappears.
-# Responding to
Key Details for SMMDebug-2025-01-24-02-45-51.zip
triggered by @DellEither that or I don't know how to read logs 🤷
Looks like it is just some issues with the Esc menu
I did discover something new though
@SirDigby {Mod Name} New log + a video to help demonstrate the issue I've been telling you about.
-# Responding to
Key Details for SMMDebug-2025-01-24-03-10-59.zip
triggered by @DellSo, this bug...
A. Is really hard to reproduce
B. Is consistent with how it behaves
C. Occurs seemingly at complete random
D. Makes my head feel funny
I've been trying to diagnose this shit for over a month maaaaan :NOOOO:
Does it only happen when you connect power lines before the build animation is done?
The video demonstrates me waiting for the build animation to finish before I start connecting wires.
So no, the bug happens regardless of what the build animation is doing.
And yes, I verified my game files to see if that would fix it, to which Steam replied: "All files validated successfully."
Is there a way I can enable more detailed logging to see if I can find the culprit?
I tried enabling
SMM Debug Logging
in the app but it doesn't seem to have done anything.Not really
Game crashed while I was tabbed out. Guess I'm calling it here for now.
Version: 385279, IsEditor: No, IsPerforceBuild: No, BuildConfiguration: Shipping, Launcher: Steam, NetMode: Standalone, IsUsingMods: Yes, IsSaveGameEdited: No
Hopefully we get some proper debugging really soon because I pretty much can't do anything right now aside from disabling all of my mods, which, far be it from me to wanna do that but man has it been tempting as of late.Yup, I've been at it too here and there and haven't identified anything - I went through the whole list of mods that were in common between the group of us and wasn't able to find anything which makes me believe it's either a vanilla settings related bug (some specific unusual combination of settings we all have in common) which is why it's not brought up elsewhere, or something else
I’ve had the splitter meshes disappear on a bp after some recent mod updates, reloading the same save in the same session seems to bring meshes back, I have absolutely no idea.
Is it physical hardware related? 2060 super here
No, hardware-related bugs would have much more overt and significant effects across your entire system, not just one game. This screenshot is an extreme example, but it demonstrates just what to expect with hardware-related bugs: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1939351236
Steam Community :: Screenshot :: WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!
Steam Community: Team Fortress 2. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!
I was thinking more a driver issue with specific hardware, but I agree, it would be much more apparent.
I don't know if it's of any help, but I've been having a similar issue (some mergers/splitters disappearing, some preexisting and some after being built, as well as some of holograms becoming invisible unless cycled/picked manually) with Infinity Nudge for a while. Think it started happening after I took a break for a month and patched the game upon returning. Reloading and saving the game without Infinity Nudge and then loading the save with mod enabled seems to fix it for a period.
Infinite Nudge isn't the cause. I'm testing it by itself right now and nothing has happened.
Don't think you're scot-free yet mister, I've still got 3+ mods that are yours to test.
Though I do agree, it would be weird for IN to be the one causing the invisible holograms or disappearing power poles.
I haven't found a way to force it to happen, and IN is the only constant mod where the problem occurs. Such a difficult bug
Hm, thanks. There's certainly something to that, because I've just launched the game to see my beams gone and doors invisible, saved, closed the game and instead of disabling Infinite Nudge, simply opened Mod Managed and launched from it, which fixed the issue.

I'm also having this issue. Looking at my mod list, the things I have that are on this list are:
Construction Preferences
Curve Builder
Infinte Nudge
That seems to bring us down to 5 possible culprits. https://discord.com/channels/555424930502541343/1312534020567076894/1318723042880393248
I believe I have installed construction preferences
Infinite nudge
Must be something with those….but then again could be purely coincidental
I deactivated Construction Preferences yesterday, I'll post an update in a few days after I've given the game time to replicate or not the bug.
Infinite Nudge and FMCR are the only commonalities, I've had it happen with FMCR disabled, so in my mind it's related to Infinite Nudge. I don't know how, since it's always already established items.
For me it was newly built items.
ive had floors and splitters randomly not be there when i build but i can delete them
same as first image
environmental-rose•22h ago
I had the same issue earlier where the majority of vanilla beams failed to render properly. I tried removing the infinite splines mod (https://ficsit.app/mod/InfiniteSpline) and that seemed to resolve the issue, although I'm sure I had this before and couldn't pin it down to a particular mod
Infinite Splines - SMR
Remove length limitation of any spline
Hmm I’ve actually not long since removed this in favour of flex splines, not really noticed the issue since.