`reload`/`revalidate` + other response (e.g. `json` or `redirect`)
I'm kinda confused as to why
and revalidate
has to be part of the response from an action
. How can I both reload
cache keys and also redirect or return some other response from an action?34 Replies
is actually interconnected with query
, which just simply revalidating the global cache Map
i actually invent myself a similar behavior with custom revalidation approach (i dont use solidjs router's query
:Worry_CoffeeHMM:Right, but isn't the fact that you have to return a "reinvalidate" response from an action kinda limiting? What if I want to return something else? Or what am I missing?
you can just return the result instead, and the revalidation part is instead stayed within
attribute of action's option
oh they didn't mention it in the docs
it's a new featureGitHub
solid-router/src/data/action.ts at main · solidjs/solid-router
A universal router for Solid inspired by Ember and React Router - solidjs/solid-router

What do you call in the
? revalidate
Seems like
is just called and the response ignored. Wouldn't returning revalidate
from onComplete
also get ignored?it runs as an effect
the action's result is what being returned
not onComplete
So what you are saying is that if I do this:
then here the revalidate is ignored because it's not returned.
But if I do this:
then here it's not ignored despite the fact that it's not returned?
Most simply, you can use
instead of reload
. It accepts the same revalidate
config as reload
but allows returning data too:_Worry_Wow:
What about invalidating the cache AND redirecting instead?
Invoking an action will automatically invalidate every cache by default
Now I'm even more confused. If invoking an action automatically invalidates every cache by default then why is there a
util?For if you only want to invalidate specific caches
Since invalidating every cache will cause every cache currently being rendered to refetch
Oh the
util function is just for invalidating any cache at runtime outside of actions
this is about the revalidate
arg to the response helpersI have a classic:
- Nav: query that shows either "Sign in" (if not logged in) or "Profile" (if logged in)
- Sign out button that calls an action
If I click signout and call the action to sign out then the navbar query is not reloaded and it still shows "Profile". But if I manully refresh the page it shows "Sign in".
Seems to me like the query cache is not invalidated after every action.

Ah the query refetch is probably being done as a single flight mutation, if your auth check reads headers or cookies then it'll be reading from the incoming request
Ah yes that would explain it
Try setting
on the Router
and if it works then there's your problemActually turns out that with a
after the action the problem is solved. But I can reproduce it also the other way around (not logged in -> logged in, the nav bar is not updated) but that happens via API routes and not actions (as it's via OAuth)
And singleFlight
there doesn't help. I'm assuming because via API routes the cache is not invalidated automatically.
Any way to invalidate from an API route? 😅 @BrendonovichYou can wrap the api route fetch in an action
As in:
Nah just the fetch call you do to it
That’s basically what server function compile to anyway
I don't do the fetch call. Google does; as a callback.
It's the oauth flow. Redirect to google -> Login on google -> Callback to the API route
Maybe I can actually convert this to not be an API call
Yeah, that should do it. Thanks @Brendonovich 🙏
It's unclear what I'd do without you guys. Probably cry in a corner.
Does this happen in a separate tab? If it's the same tab i dont see why a cache invalidation would be necessary
Same tab. I'm assuming that since no action is called in the flow then the cache is not invalidated.
Doesnt that mean the site does a complete reload? I’d think the auth state should just be correct when it redirects back to your site
It does, but isn't the cache alive for 5 minutes?
not unless you add cache headers,
is per-requestIsn't there also a local cache?
Client side I mean
Only in-memory, if you leave + enter your site all the caches will be empty
Then it is a mystery. For the time being I'm just converting to using
and query
instead. Let's see how that goes.