Pak utility mod echoes back my chat commands

Installed Pak utility on dedicated linux server (indifferent broccoli), I'm currently the only one on. When I type !help in the chat it appears twice but doesn't list anything. !fly doesn't do anything either, except it also looks like I said it twice. Tried reinstalling, other mods are working, not sure what else to try.
yes, that is the vanilla bug. client players only ever see their own messages echoed back instead of system chat messages
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6 Replies
Robb4w ago
this is a vanilla bug with how non-player chat messages are displayed, it affects all client players not sure why !fly wouldn't be working though. it should work despite the confusing chat message
FarkleSpartOP4w ago
!help doesn't give me a list of commands, none seem to be working
Robb4w ago
@Mircea (Area Actions) pretty sure this is still accurate as of 1.0
Robb4w ago
yes, that is the vanilla bug. client players only ever see their own messages echoed back instead of system chat messages
FarkleSpartOP4w ago
I don't know why fly didn't work before, but I went back and its working now. Thanks!
Robb4w ago
it could be that !fly speed only changes speeds and does not start flying

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