MAX/Mojo Data Science dev containers
Multi-arch (
ℹ️ Runs on Apple M series using Docker Desktop. 1. Base image: Debian instead of Ubuntu
ℹ️ CUDA-based images use Ubuntu. 1. IDE: JupyterLab next to VS Code 1. Just Python – no Conda / Mamba
, linux/arm64/v8
) MAX/Mojo Data Science dev containers:
Parent images: MAX/Mojo docker stack
* CUDA MAX base
* CUDA MAX nightly base
* CUDA MAX scipy
* CUDA MAX nightly scipy
* MAX base
* MAX nightly base
* MAX scipy
* MAX nightly scipy
* Mojo base
* Mojo nightly base
* Mojo scipy
* Mojo nightly scipy
👉 Open in GitHub Codespaces
ℹ️ For further information, see
What makes these dev containers different:
1. Multi-arch: linux/amd64
, linux/arm64/v8
ℹ️ Runs on Apple M series using Docker Desktop. 1. Base image: Debian instead of Ubuntu
ℹ️ CUDA-based images use Ubuntu. 1. IDE: JupyterLab next to VS Code 1. Just Python – no Conda / Mamba
GitHub - b-data/mojo-docker-stack: (GPU accelerated) Multi-arch (li...
(GPU accelerated) Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) MAX/Mojo docker images. Please submit Pull Requests to the GitLab repository. Mirror of - b-data/mojo-docker-stack
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GitHub - b-data/data-science-devcontainers: (GPU accelerated) Multi...
(GPU accelerated) Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) Data Science dev containers for R, Python, Julia and MAX/Mojo - b-data/data-science-devcontainers
debian - Official Image | Docker Hub
Debian is a Linux distribution that's composed entirely of free and open-source software.
ubuntu - Official Image | Docker Hub
Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system based on free software.
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Cross reference:
MAX/Mojo Data Science Dev Containers · modularml mojo · Discussion ...
Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) MAX/Mojo Data Science Dev Containers: Parent images: MAX/Mojo docker stack CUDA MAX base CUDA MAX nightly base CUDA MAX scipy CUDA MAX nightly scipy MAX bas...