Context Menus vs Application Commands - separate or not?

Question time ❓ Context menus.. they exist. They're like used once a blue century. How should we handle them in Sapphire? Should the split between application commands and context menus be clear (so a function for each), or should they both be in the same function? (especially since the interface is almost 1:1, past the target for context menus)? Should the same be done for preconditions?
vladdy953d ago
CC @Developers for one
Favna953d ago
Can a difference be made through command options?
vladdy953d ago
What do you mean?
UndiedGFX953d ago
Just like how you would handle slashies? Because they both are almost same
vladdy953d ago
So separate function for them?
MC Princess
MC Princess953d ago
separate function would probs be better
UndiedGFX953d ago
24953d ago
separate, can't see a reason to morph them together (at lease now) I also see people separating their menu commands completely from other commands, so it follows what a (normal) person would want to do
𝖄𝖚𝖌𝖊𝖓953d ago
I would actually consider context menu as new pieces. You can get a message. Or a user. Etc. Kind of different imo But thats me I dont consider them commands btw because they aren't really a command. They are an action on something Instead of some kind of request of the bot. They more like a action for the bot to run on x
vladdy953d ago
Discord considers them application commands
𝖄𝖚𝖌𝖊𝖓953d ago
Hmm. Then its whatever I guess If we want to stay as close to Discord that is Otherwise my opinion still stands
vladdy953d ago
It also wouldn't make sense to make them separate pieces just like how slash commands aren't different pieces
𝖄𝖚𝖌𝖊𝖓953d ago