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Nuxt useKindeClient not working properly

Hello, I'm trying to use Kinde with Nuxt, the module is quite barebones and doesnt seem to support all things, a few things I want to do: 1. Custom Sign In / Sign Up...

ext_provider in id_token is not present after the user change org with login + org_Code

Hi, I have set up the Customize ID token to include the social identity I am using this to enable features around the user profile mostly. When the user is signed out and signs in with Google(i tested only google so far). The expected ext_provider is present in the id_token as expected. When the user is signed in and wants to login in a different (or same) organisation with ...

"@kinde-oss/kinde-node-express" doesn't support module js project

Hi I am trying to validate a user token send from my react frontend appliction to the node express server. My node express server is written module js and use named imports. But it seems like named imports doesn't supports by the "@kinde-oss/kinde-node-express" can someone guide me to fix this issue ``` [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting... [nodemon] restarting due to changes......
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Why wont the the login funcion work on loccalhost but in vercel it works

The vercel on works but, not localhost idk if i have to change the env variables inside the file or if it in here the problem might be. Should i after 3000 add the path to the page i want it to redirect it to?...
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How to understand the relationship between Id, Access and Refresh tokens

Hello, we are trying to track down an issue with our app where users appear to be logged out after an hour of inactivity. I say "appear" since I don't believe they are actually being logged out, but rather there is a mismatch with token refreshing. FWIW we are using the Kinde default expiry values ID token 3600 Access token 86400...

TypeError: Cannot read property 'KindeSDK' of undefined

``` // NPM import {useState, useEffect} from 'react'; import {KindeSDK} from '@kinde-oss/react-native-sdk-0-7x'; ...
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Unable to retrieve claims & identity from token

Recently i have been unable to retrieve organization and claims in general from a setup that has been working. I am using .NET with React ```cs...
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Unexpected server error when I click on /kinde-auth/login

Whenever I click on the register or login link on my site I keep getting this, I have my callback set to 'http://localhost:5173/kinde-auth/callback' This is only for the login link, for the register link I can actually register and verify a new user but I just cannot do anything past that.
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Sorry, we don't see a way to authenticate you at the moment.

Hi i have asimple nextjs app and am getting this when pressing the sigup and signin Sorry, we don't see a way to authenticate you at the moment....

Is there any Honoj SDK you provide, as it is for my separate backend?

I use your TypeScript SDK with hono js but it not provide csrf protection

AWS API Gateway JWT Check

Hey all, this might be a very beginner question. I am looking to validate the JWT on incoming requests in my AWS API Gateway. If I can avoid using a lambda that would be good as its one less managed service to worry about. The screenshot I provided is what I need to fill in to do a third-party JWT verification on API Gateway. Is this possible with Kinde? If so, can someone please recommend the documentation page and/or where within the Kinde UI I can find what to enter. Thanks 🙏
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How to update Kinde account payment?

I'm trying to change my payment method (new credit card) but I can't find where to do so in Kinde.

Kinde sign-in screen register link means no new org

Hi there, I've got a NextJS app using the SDK and also the Kinde API on other sections. Basically I want the user flow to be: A manager-level user registers (using the <RegisterLink> component), creating a new organisation and then is able to add their team members to that organisation from within the app using the Kinde API....
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Auth0 import - file too large

I'm looking to import from Auth0 but I'm getting a warning that my file is too large. I have 178K users (~70mb csv). No details on how large of a file I can upload. I imagine this isn't unheard of. I can slim down the file and do this in batches, but figured you should be aware that this type of volume is not supported by the import and the response is somewhat useful, but lacking some key details....
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Organizations API doesn't provide full functionality

The Organizations API allows us to update an organization but certain fields we aren't able to retrieve the orginal values for to make sure that when we do inadvertantly update thier values from their current to the default value. For example, the Get Organization endpoint (GET /api/v1/organization) will return this: ``` {...

Inability to update certain Application fields via API

It looks at though certain fields of an Application are not updatable via the API (nor retrievable).
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Automatically adding user to organization on sign-in (not sign-up)

I understand that if a user is signing up, they can automatically be added to the organization specified on the query string (?org_code=), however, if I already have a user account at Organization A and then I try to log into Organization B, I'm getting a message. Is there so way to allow an existing user account to sign in to an organization they are not yet a part of?
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Is there a way to change *when* email verification comes up in the sign-up flow?

I have been working on a software product built in framework and I am implementing Kinde for authenthication and I really like it. However I am working on the user sign up flow and I want to know is there a way to change when email verification happens? On sign-up I want users to be able to add first name, last name, emails and passwords all in one page. Then after submitting I want to be able to verify the email. ...

How to organise API Tests with REST and Kinde?

I have a restful api that I'd like protect with help of Kinde. How it is supposed to do an api testing that is protected by Kinde? (integrational testing) That should be disposable real accounts, or how? ...