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Details Update Propagation takes too much time

Hello, I've noticed an issue, when I update an organisation (org name), and right after I do a fetch, the endpoint (management api) returns the old name, but when I call it after 1-2 seconds it returns the correct name. Is this latency common with all the APIs?...

Building Google non-Drive apps using Kinde

i am looking at the docs and scratching my head.... is there a way to use Google Access Tokens from Kinde users for other API stuff, like GMail? Or are only the integrations in Connected Apps supported right now? It would be great to be able to get a google api auth token from my kinde api to interact with Google and other backend services like Notion or Airtable....

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'redirectURLBase')

Getting this error after installing the latest version of "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs". Terminal saying: Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot append headers after they are sent to the client Any ideas?...

How to get the token in Nuxt?

In the JS SDK docs I can see const token = await kinde.getToken(); However I don't see this example in the Nuxt documentation, how can I get the token in Nuxt, to call my backend API? (node)...

how to do kinde's website example

How can I do that modal when clicking a signup button in the landing page?
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Secure Spring Boot App - M2M Tokens

How to add Authorization to My Spring Boot Application (Gateway Server) - For 3rd party services (i want to restrict access to certain API endpoints) i tried to use the M2M tokens but i getting 403 error on my API because scopes not sent (i tried to issue a client creds token with scopes but with no success * i added aud as my domain ) i did it without SDK just with Security config `httpSecurity.authorizeExchange(exchanges ->...

how to request tokens using curl?

what i want: - retrieve token as authenticated test user in Kinde and make call to rest api using curl curl -H 'authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' what i've done:...

Nuxt DB connection

I am using the Kinde Nuxt SDK and want to know the simplest way to connect a kinde-authed user to a DB to show their unique data? For simplicity I have set up an SQL lite DB with Prisma. I have noticed that the Next SDK is checking for the server session using the following import statement, but this is not obvious in the Nuxt SDK? import {getKindeServerSession} from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server";...

Adding the audience in the Access token

I want to had an audience inside the access token since by default it's empty so following your documentation ( I'm doing something like this : https://<your_kinde_sudomain>

kindeClient.getUserOrganizations() its returning Compact JWS must be a string or Uint8Array

I am getting an error when fetching: kindeClient.getUserOrganizations() its returning Compact JWS must be a string or Uint8Array, but when I fetch other functions works correctly any idea why this might happen? My setup is Nuxt+NitroJS (nodejs)...

Import from Auth0 not showing social logins or logins_count

I intend to go-live with Kinde tomorrow morning (Pacific time) have a couple of issues / questions regarding Auth0 import. I performed an import from Auth0 and included all the columns mentioned in the Auth0 migration support doc. I noticed, however, that the logins_count CSV column doesn't seem to be imported as all my users show that they have never logged in (all login counts show 0). This isn't a huge deal, but does make me want to confirm that my import worked correctly in general....

custom signin/signup page

Hi im using nextjs and i was wondering where do i pass the password? <LoginLink className={styles.button} authUrlParams={{...

React Native SDK: Android Login not working

Hello, I am using the Kinde react-native-sdk for 0.7x with Expo, and my login() function is not working on Android. On iOS, it works perfectly, however on Android I am receiving this error: Something wrong when trying to authenticating. Reason: The method or property WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync is not available on android, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies properly?...

Fetch roles inside token

I have an issue for getting back the roles inside the access token. My user has a default role and I ticked Roles from customize access token: Did I forgot to activate something ? Thanks for your help...
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Kinde + Supabase

Hi, I'm trying to enable RLS in Supabase by syncing the Kinde Client Secret with the Supabase JWT Secret. The idea is to parse the 'sub' attribute from the JWT and then match it against a user_id value in the target db table. (before granting SELECT permission) I've been following this handy guide: But I'm using the Next.js app router, not the pages router, and I need some help understanding how to adapt this to the app router. I can get the frontend to successfully retrieve data with RLS disabled, but I can't seem to get RLS to work. I suspect that the token may not be passing successfully to Supabase??.. even though according to the guide, "Supabase automatically authenticates the API connections with the JWT token that we have setup. Since our Kinde and Supabase token secrets are the same (See the Supabase Setup above), the authentication handshake should be done automatically and we do not have to do anything else." I'm also unclear about how to implement the Supabase db function (get_user_id() in the guide) - does this get referenced in the RLS policy itself? Or does it automatically trigger based on a db SELECT call?...

When requesting /oauth2/token, does the endpoint returns the same token or issues a new one?

Quick question, when doing M2M api calls, and trying to fetch the oauth2/token from kinde, does the endpoint returns the same token until expiry or issues a new one? Do I need to locally save the token until expiry or its safe to call the endpoint multiple times without worries?...

Workflow with separate NodeJS/Vue Webapp?

I'm wondering what the proposed workflow is for a webapp that has a backend (nodejs/express) and a frontend (vue), I'm using Supertokens now, which has code for both backend and frontend, and I would love to switch to Kinde, thanks!

How do you update user details from own-app?

Hello, As the title says, how does one update the user details from the app, not from kinde (manually), there's no information regarding this. How to update:...

From @jasdeep about tokens

Copied from #💬┃general channel - a question from @jasdeep Hi all, newbie here and building a flutter app using Kinde Auth. I am trying to understand how this works. As per docks Kinde SDK take care of fetching new token automatically under the hood if refresh token is valid and access_token has expired. I am assuming it is happening while user is very much active on the app. I am wondering how does SDK get access to refreshToekn in scenario when user navigates away from the app and puts the app in background and when app comes back into focus, the access_token has expired but refresh token should still be valid. I understand that I can save access_token and refreshToken in secure storage but I don't see any method available on SDK which makes use of refresh token to fetch new access_token. Am I missing something here?...

Kinde Webhook

Dear Kinde Support Team, We are encountering a persistent issue with webhook requests sent to our endpoint "https://{*******}". Our logs indicate that the Authorization header is consistently missing from the incoming requests, and we are unable to authenticate and process these requests as expected. Additionally, we've faced repeated issues with JSON parsing errors, specifically an "Unexpected token 'e'" error, suggesting that the payload might be incorrectly formatted or encoded. Here is an example of the error message from our logs:...