discord.js - Imagine an app


discord.js - Imagine an app

Support server for discord.js, a Node.js module to interact with Discords apps API.




Random shutdowns due to sessionInfo being null

```json /nova/node_modules/.pnpm/discord.js@14.15.3_bufferutil@4.0.8/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/websocket/handlers/RESUMED.js:6 2024-07-26T21:20:46.348970429Z const replayed = shard.sessionInfo.sequence - shard.closeSequence; 2024-07-26T21:20:46.348991867Z ^ 2024-07-26T21:20:46.349006540Z ...


how do oli make this does it require coding?
No description

What's wrong with this slash command?

```ts export default class ChemInfoCommand extends BaseCommand { constructor() { super( new SlashCommandBuilder()...

slash command invisibile for everyone

what is syntax for slash command only visible for specific role

My slash commands aren't registering in my discord server. Client.on() doesn't seem to run.

Github: https://github.com/Niimaii/Harmony I am putting the repo here to make things easier. I put several console.log() to check how things are. The bot does login, it seems to register all the commands. However it doesn't show up when I try to use the slash command in the server....

DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction

```js Slash-Commands registriert Editing existing embed... Fehler beim Ausführen des Befehls: DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction at handleErrors (C:\Users\flo\Desktop\RevolutionV_New\Bot\RV_bot\node_modules@discordjs\rest\dist\index.js:730:13)...

How do I make this selected?

How do I do it as soon as I click away it will receive the interaction but it will continue to be selected even if I update the message
No description

Random shard sessionInfo errors

Hello, I have recently started getting an error when trying to start my bot. The error seems to be coming from DiscordJS directly, I have not written this code. ...

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_add') on InteractionWebhook.send() call

I have been getting this error randomly for some time ``` TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_add') at InteractionWebhook.send (/root/skyhelper/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/Webhook.js:232:66) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)...


When I use console.log(interaction.guild) it returns null. I also can’t get the owner id or the guild name

Ephemeral messages

Is it possible to send an ephemeral message to a different player than the one who sent the command? I'm looking at trying to create a "FAQ" type system where any member can type /tag [tagname] in reply to another player's question, and the bot will reply with an ephemeral message to the question asker rather than the command sender. The idea is to be able to provide quick responses to FAQs without loads of embed bot responses breaking up the and interrupting the channel....

Sending videos in embeds using embed objects

As I understand, the EmbedBuilder class does not allow for usage of videos in embeds, only static images. However, the Discord dev documentation includes a field for video links in embed objects. Is it possible to construct an embed object with a video link and have DJS use that? Node version for this question is 22.4.1.

how do i find my AUTHORIZED_USER_ID

how do i find my AUTHORIZED_USER_ID

using only id to send DM

hey guys, quick question. to avoid api calls, I plan on saving a user's id to my database, then when I need to DM them: ``` const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, REST, Routes, WebhookClient, User,} = require('discord.js'); const user = new User(discordClient,{id:database_id}) user.send(message)...

User Installs

is there any way to use the user installs for v13? i have a select few commands that id love to use with them but cannot get it to work...

reply feature

I wanna make an interaction that is used on a message where it can find all replies to a message and also find any messages this message is replying to. It should also be able to find sub replies and show in an embed. But how would I get the data. Fetching the entire channel would take years...

Shard activity

``` bot.once(Events.ClientReady, async () => { shardId = bot.shard.ids[0]; bot.user.setActivity({...