discord.js - Imagine an app


discord.js - Imagine an app

Support server for discord.js, a Node.js module to interact with the Discord bot API.


Audio Player and Voice Connection

Hello, Does the player.stop() removes and deletes the created audio player and it's resource And i wanna know does the connection.destory() removes the created audio player and it's resource as well?...


I'm very new to Discord.js, can someone teach me? I'm coming from Aoi.js and now I want to switch to discord.js.

Stop playing audio without voiceStatesUpdate event

Hello Is there have any way to stop playing the audio without voiceStatesUpdate event when the member left the voice ?

On start playing audio event

Hello here is my code: ```js const connection = joinVoiceChannel({ channelId: voiceChannel.id, guildId: voiceChannel.guild.id,...


```js client.on('messageCreate', async message => { if (message.author.bot || !message.guild) return if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g)...
! たっくん5/6/2024

I tried to play ogg but it doesn't play

although I can participate in the VC, the music does not play. There are no errors. ```js client.once('ready', async () => { console.log('Ready!');...
! たっくん5/6/2024


although I can participate in the VC, the music does not play. There are no errors. ```js client.once('ready', async () => { console.log('Ready!');...

Voice Ports blocked

My isp blocked the ports for discord voip is there any alternative way i can use the voice api?

Speaking 'start'/'end' events trigger continuously - Caused by while loop?

I have two ts at global level: let startedSpeakingTimestamp; let stoppedSpeakingTimestamp; ...

How to check if a user is in a specific guild

Hey there, I'm trying to make a command, that invites a person to a football club. Because, I don't want anyone to join that isn't in the main server, I wanted to check if the user is in the discord. I've tried countless solutions, but nothing worked. I don't know why, but I hope that someone can help me with this problem....

How Can I make the bot leave a channel without having the connection that was created on his join ?

When the bot joins a channel it creates a connection with the joinVoiceChannel() function but when we reset the bot the voiceConnection is not kept so my question is how can I get the connection of the bot in a channel without having the first connection object ? My goal is to make him leave the channel.

set undefined

this.client.voice.adapters.set(this.id, methods); ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'set') at Object.adapterCreator (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/Guild.js:1415:34) at new VoiceConnection (/home/container/node_modules/@discordjs/voice/dist/index.js:1683:29)...

unknown interaction

hello everyone i have a ticket bot and when the admin want to close the ticket and press the button he gets “Unknown interaction” and other times it works fine how can i find the issue?...
No description

discord voice engine

hello im just asking if someone got an alternative discord voice engine that work on windows
No description

Bot joins the vc but audio doesn't play

yes the path is correct. ``js var { voice } = message.member if(!voice.channelId) return message.reply({content:This command requires you to join a vc in this server. Get help`})...

Audio Source

Hello i got a question How can we play an audio with the Source Thing but Without Put The Whole File Path From the C: For exemple to the music we want to play can we do something bc i need to put it on a server but it wont play bc idk what is the Disk of the server and others things...

Low audio quality issue

I'm using latest version of discord.js and discordjs/@voice but the quality of audio is much lower as compared to listening to same files on my PC. This is my code: ```js const { createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource, AudioPlayerStatus } = require('@discordjs/voice'); ...

Where about in connection am I able to tell if the bot is paused/unpaused

Using connection because i want to have it per guild

Bot Works Locally, In Production Player States Goes To Idle Straight Away?

Hi, I'm having an issue with my bot in production. It works fine locally (macOS), but in production (Docker node:20 image), the player state changes from playing to idle straight away: ```...