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SSlySven ☕7/29/2021

Rooms dialog

The room number in the centre of the Room Exit is the Id of the room you are setting the exits from - it is there for information only (like the room weight below it) and cannot be changed (the cursor should change to the Forbidden one whilst you hover over it IIRC). The special exits (if any) are shown in the table at the bottom and you need the room Id that the exit goes to in the left most column AND the literal command to send to use that exit (or for I.R.E. MUDS - and StickMUD - which have their own special mapper package included which can run predefined scripts to access a special exit the name of that script preceded with the word script:) in the rightmost column. If the id number of the room the special exit goes to is NOT valid it will be red - though I have a work in progress to change that to a more styling friendly icon something like: ✅ /⚠️ / ❌ for valid room id (in same area) / valid room id in another area / invalid (non-existent room id......