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[useAsyncData] Component is already mounted, please use $fetch instead. See

```js async function handleComplete(e) { const data = await useAsyncData('sign-in', () => { const x = $fetch('/api/auth/sign-in', { method: 'POST',...

error Command failed with signal "SIGKILL".

Getting this error trying to deploy when i update nuxt icons in my project. Any idea on how to fix. I don't know where to start to do a minimal reproduction.

Shadcn Library

Is there any library build on top of shadcn that works with vue? I use shadcn-vue but I've seen beautiful stuff from aceternity UI for example with nice background effect and stuff, lemme know if you know this for vue. ty...

Is it possible to use a custom icon in NuxtUI "<UIcon />"?

I need to create a custom icon, I currently did it using an image but I would like to know if it is possible to add icons locally to my project that are not included in the packages

Local development : run on windows

Hello there, I tried to launch the project locally on my computer (windows) by following the Except that when I navigate to the documentation part, I always get a "page not found" error. However, I correctly configured the path via the NUXT_DOCS_PATH variable....
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Server route priority

Is there any way to adjust the route priority, client AND server together?

Nuxt Layers & dependencies

It is a bit confusing after reading the nuxt docs where to put layer dependencies. Given a layer myLayer (with pinia nuxt module) and a nuxt app with extends: ["./myLayer"], : 1. where to put pinia (or any other) node module, in myLayer/package.json or app/package.json? ...

In the image module, is the baseUrl of a provider public ?

When setting up the baseUrl of a provider in the image module, you define it in the nuxt.config.ts file. Will this url be publicly exposed ? or is it hidden server side?...

Pinia not install

when i try to install pinia in nuxt project (npm install pinia) then i got error: npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE could not resolve npm ERR! npm ERR! While resolving: nuxt-app@undefined...

Proxying asset url from Directus

hello ! I watched this tutorial by Alexandre Lichter : and it works great! But I'm now wandering how to proxy urls in image tags . I have a Directus backend that holds data and images. By setting up a proxy, my nuxt app can just get data from the /api/items endpoint and the request is automatically redirected to the Directus backend. Great !...

Nuxt 3.12 useAsyncData and hydratation errors

Hello, after upgrade to 3.12 some new errors appeared in our big app. At first this commit is not valid in my opinion, because in new fresh project it still fetching twice (client + server) when null returned in useAsyncData callback. But my main problem are hydratation errors of html attributes - somehow these errors showed up after upgrade and it is really weird, because some attributes which are marked as errors are not changing by any logic in code....

Building a Desktop/Mobile web nuxt app

So i have never touched any part of mobile dev i just usually set up the css media queries to set the page based on the view port. we are soon to start developing the new frontend of our nuxt app and i was wondering if there are any interesting solutions/libraries that could ease how to build a web app that could be transported somehow to mobiles as an app while keeping the website part working with the same code. what I mean by that is there shouldn't be a different development cycle for each. ( currently native mobile apps features are not necessary for us but it would be nice if it is possible )...

Typescript help

Hey I am looking for help to type this code correctly. I am solving similar issue at work and I am lost as the data property is not narrowed correctly... Reproduction:


Hello everyone I'm trying to include "vite-istanbul" plugin in my project for test coverage on Gitlab However I faced an issue : "Failed to resolve "vite-plugin-istanbul". This package is ESM only" According to official Vite documentation it suggested use these options: -adding "type": "module" to the nearest package.json...

Help supabase auth

Hey, I don't find the doc to learn how to make the auth with supabase (not with a provider)

API route errors

Have I structured this incorrectly? I have a GET endpoint at /api/department and also e.g. a DELETE endpoint at /api/department/:id. Calling these endpoints with $fetch. I'm getting the error message that Type '"DELETE"' is not assignable to type '"get" | "GET" | undefined', which is due to the intellisense not seeing the catch-all routes....
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error when importing dependencies #internal/nitro/virtual/app-config

I'm developing a layer on top of another layer, for the same I used extends with install, the layer I'm extending is in a private repository and I'm extending it via github. Searching I found the following issue open on github, which appears to be a similar error Based on it, I tried to change the version of nuxt used, but when I run dev it ends up installing nuxt 3.12.4 as a dependency....
this is the error

useFetch loses type from /server/api after using getCachedData

Hi, I'm using /server endpoints with Prisma ORM, which automatically share data types with the frontend, which is awesome. The problem arises when I try to use another function to cache data inside a nuxtApp instance called getCachedData. Adding this option to useFetch converts the types from the Prisma response to any type. Is there any workaround for this problem to use getCachedData and have automatic typing from the backend?...
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Nuxt CORS error

Hi, if I have a nuxt application behind a reverse proxy (nginx), should I set up CORS only in nginx or also in nuxt?