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LoudPizza shenanigans

should be pretty easy to get a simple audio instance going, if you want to ask me make a thread


alright, thread time

CI discussion

I need to look up what CI is


It's just useful to have, makes some error messages much more informative, and means you can kind of tell when someone is actively fucking up and scream at them for it.

offsetof magic

you could in theory use a local and subtract field offset with offset of the local

Are you having trouble with flood fill

Are you having trouble with flood fill?

SoLoud - LoudPizza

@baebey so if i were to use ffmpeg for LoudPizza, i would probably only compile audio codecs into the native lib the cool part is that if you wanted to e.g. decode video without duplicating the native libs, you could just compile an ffmpeg with the same audio formats that LoudPizza requires + video formats of your liking...

what is the actual asm

what is the actual asm?

Reject P2P, Return to Quake III Netcode

I think the scope and other things have changed too. Modern games have and do so much more; and need to account for many more scenarios (plus cheating, griefing, chat, voice chat, etc) there's definitely less micro-optimization; but that's not really a bad thing either as it comes with many other benefits when you only optimize the actual hot paths and make everything else more scalable/maintainable...