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Missing `DiscordChannel.message` for thread channels

Heya, whenever I create a thread in a thread-only channel (a forum), according to the docs I should receive the message that was originally used to create the thread. However this message is missing for me, it seems the thread always gets treated as a regular thread. In fact, I cannot even see the original message in the entire messages flow of the thread. I am thinking I am missing something obvious, any help would be appreciated πŸ™‚...

Check if embed is removed by user

Hello How can I know if an embed has been removed by the user?...

How to generate push messages in channels?

Hey there, new to Kotlin/Kord in general. I'm trying to push messages to specific channels that my bot is in. The example in the github makes this esay becasue the channel is ready already. When I try to do something similar to the screenshot, the it.channelIds are always empty but I see the bot existing in the channel. What's the best way to approach something like this?...
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User installed command events not being received.

My application has User Install enabled in the developer portal and both integration_types and contexts are also added to the commands that should be used by users and the types of channels they can be used in. Kord doesn't official support User Apps but I modified the outgoing payload to add the two fields which does work, and some checks once an interaction is received to determine if it's an user app or server app integration type. The issue is I only receive events if the bot was installed to the guild. Previously (several hours ago), I did receive events for user installed apps in other guilds, DMs, and Group DMs. ...

Does receiveVoice still work?

I am working on an old voice bot I made a couple years ago and it seems like something in Kord is crashing as soon as there's any voice data from the server. I know it was considered experimental, but is it supposed to be able to work currently?

Can't get guild members

Hello, Inside a Guild Chat Input Command, I have this code: interaction.guild.members.toList() ...

Is there a way to make kord automatically reconnect after an error?

Each time i get the error 502 in the terminal output, the bot goes offline. Is there a way to automatically make it reconnect?...

[Kotlin/Native] Slow connection issues

i'm experiencing noticeable connection issues with Kord (branch feature/native on Linux). about 90% of interactions fail, i can't even defer them to respond later. so far i couldn't upload files too, and it takes 10 seconds for a message to be sent (and retrieved afterwards). what's strange is that it always takes 10 seconds. here's the code for the last part: ```kt val (message, restLatency) = measureTimedValue { ctx.message.reply("Calculating...") // this is sent instantly though }...
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Is Kord meant for other api features other than bots?

For example can I use it to make discord api calls to authorize https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize Or...
though the rest module expects you to use a bot token

Check if embed, actionRow etc. has been modified

Hello With the InteractionResponseModifyBuilder, we can define actionRow, embeds etc. However, I would like to avoid to send the same content to the API (to reduce network interaction) ...

[Kotlin/Native] Linking stage fails

I've spent days trying to figure out this issue, and it turns out that the build fails whenever I explicitly specify a Ktor engine. The Kord native build fails on linux (irrelevant of dependencies) with the following error: ```sh The /home/runner/.konan/dependencies/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc-8.3.0-glibc-2.19-kernel-4.9-2/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld.gold command returned non-zero exit code: 1. output:...

`getMember` not writing to Member cache?

I have a task that is periodically doing some checks to update some content. This goes guild by guild (in the guilds that use the feature). At some point I get the channel entity, and then I get the permissions for the bot. For this I use kordex's GuildChannel.botHasPermissions, and its first step is calling GuildBehaviour.getMember with the bot's snowflake. The problem is that this is doing a REST call every single time and therefore greatly slowing my process, not to mention the possibl rate limit implications....
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Cancelling the event listener job inside the event listener

Is it possible to cancel the Job returned by Kord#on inside its scope? I doubt it, but would something like this do the trick: ```kt var job: Job? = null job = kord.on<Event> { job?.cancel()...

Is Kord#getApplicationInfo() cached?

Is Kord#getApplicationInfo() backed by a cache? I'd like to check if the message author is the owner of the application.

Can't find a way to disconnect/kick someone

Hello, everyone! I have a bot made in Kord and I've used it a lot to play sounds based on VoiceState changes and timed stuff. Now I wanted to do some kind of routine to disconnect users who have been fully muted for a long time. I was able to get all active users/members/voicestates etc but I can't find a way to disconnect them from the voice channel, I searched through the docs but it seems I'm either using this lib in a wrong way (totally possible) or there's no disconnect/leave command or it has another "name". Thanks!...

Runtime Error

I don’t remember changing anything, I just started getting an error on startup. I use kord 0.15.0 and Kord-Extensions 1.9.0 ```kotlin Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/ktor/client/plugins/contentnegotiation/ContentNegotiation at dev.kord.core.builder.kord.KordBuilderUtilKt.defaultConfig(KordBuilderUtil.kt:16)...

Publish multiplatform library (not Discord bot)

Hello This is the list of supported platform of my lib: ``` iosX64()...

Support of native targets (not Discord bot)

Hello I tried to add the support of native targets (not for my discord bot), so I have: (code in comment) ...

Join voice channel

How can I make the bot join a voice channel? I couldnt find a method in VoiceChannel nor Member

Compilation error with KSP

Hello, I'm facing this particular error when compiling my project and its ksp subproject:
> Task :kspKotlinMingwX64 FAILED
e: Could not find "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime-cinterop-date" in [C:\Users\1\Desktop\kotlin\Cordex, D:\.konan\klib, D:\.konan\kotlin-native-prebuilt-windows-x86_64-1.9.22\klib\common, D:\.konan\kotlin-native-prebuilt-windows-x86_64-1.9.22\klib\platform\mingw_x64]
> Task :kspKotlinMingwX64 FAILED
e: Could not find "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime-cinterop-date" in [C:\Users\1\Desktop\kotlin\Cordex, D:\.konan\klib, D:\.konan\kotlin-native-prebuilt-windows-x86_64-1.9.22\klib\common, D:\.konan\kotlin-native-prebuilt-windows-x86_64-1.9.22\klib\platform\mingw_x64]