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stripe setup help

I hate stripe. this is my first time putting a payment portal on a website, and im sure its way better than other things, but god it is so annyoing. I would happily pay someone $100 to just get stripe setup. with that out of the way, I am getting this error: ```...

Google Auth Redirection Not Working (Netlify & AWS)

Hi everyone, I am currently trying to deploy an app built with Open-Saas on Netlify and AWS EC2 instance with Nginx. Everything was working in the developer environment, but when I try logging in via Google it breaks. The Google Auth screen shows up normally and gives a response that results in several redirects, but after signing in it eventually redirects to https://myapp.netlify.app/oauth/callback, where it is met with a 404 (the same redirection returns a 304 in local developing environment). I have posted the screenshots from Google Dev console. At the time of failure, the url showing up in chrome is https://myapp.netlify.app/oauth/callback#{long_token} I went though the docs and previous questions but was not able to find much helpful information. I imagine it has something to do with the netlify.toml file but am not sure what to change. Please let me know if there are any other information I can provide. Any suggestion would be much appreciated!...
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deploy in fly.io with multiple environment

need to deploy client and server even the database for prod and dev or staging

Migrating from v0.14 to v0.15, entities not found

Seeing these errors after following migration steps to v0.15. It seems like issues with prisma not generating my entities. ``` [ Wasp ] entities/index.ts(11,8): error TS2305: Module '"@prisma/client"' has no exported member 'TeamPlayer'. [ Wasp ] entities/index.ts(12,8): error TS2305: Module '"@prisma/client"' has no exported member 'Summoner'. [ Wasp ] entities/index.ts(13,8): error TS2305: Module '"@prisma/client"' has no exported member 'Rank'....

Regarding ask-the-documents WSL2 solution to compile

Error: P3006 Migration 20230907154352_add_extension failed to apply cleanly to the shadow database. Error: ERROR: extension "vector" is not available...

I dont get the signup mail locally

I dont see the log for the signup mail in my local terminal, why is that? I did something with mailgun recently but I am not sure what.

How can I make my navbar dissapear on a specific page?

How can I make my navbar dissapear on a specific page?

Best setup for cascading?

As part of my app, I have advanced stats for user profiles contained in a seperate table with a foriegn key relation. When deleting a user profile, I need to also delete the row in the advanced stats table (both for practical reasons, and because the process fails if I don't). What's the best way of doing that - I assume it's using onDelete in the schema file?

add stripe

How do I add stripe support to an existing project created using Mage without Stripe?

How to build the just web-app

I am trying to deploy web-app to cloudflare pages. Cloudflare pages uses git commit and checks out code . Then builds and deploy the web-app. I would like to build just the web-app is this possible

Google auth configFn and userSignupFields

When I add either of these functions to my main.wasp, I get errors. My google auth method looks like this:
google: { configFn: import { getConfig } from "@src/pages/auth/google.jsx", userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/pages/auth/google.jsx"...

Other places to deploy server

What are some other places to deply wasp server, can i deploy on netlify?

process is not defined

I'm building a chatbot SAAS using OpenSAAS. I created the app files (.tsx and operations.ts) in its own folder, just like the demo app. I also stored some API keys in .env.server, and I'm trying to access them in operations.ts via process.env, but when I run it, it always errors saying "process is not defined" (dev console points to config.ts), but the demo app (which also uses process.env) works fine. Can anyone help? Is there a step I'm missing? Here's a snippet of code trying to access OpenAI's key...

Doing SEO with Wasp

Hi Kapa, I just deployed my app and I am an SEO expert and I want to be able to control everything. Meta title, meta description, json ld, index/noindex, follow/nofollow, robots.txt, sitemap.xml, breadcumbs. Give me all the information you can gather regarding everything I have told you. Give me github threads, issues, etc... I need to know as much as possible all my SEO possibilities (both now and in the future). Remember that I am an SEO expert and it does me no good to just change a title or subtitle. If you do it right you will get the boss to give you a 200€ bonus....

Issue with dotenv

-- [Error] Your wasp project failed to compile: ------------------------------- - Error: Dependency conflict for user dependency (dotenv, ^16.0.2): Version must be set to the exactly the same version as the one wasp is using: ^16.0.3 ...

Restrict access page based on role of user

Hi everyone, I am working on set permission levels for user something like super admin, admin, manager, user. I want to limit access to some pages with given permission levels. For example, user will not be able to access user-management dashboard but other roles have. I see we defined authRequired: true in main.wasp. Can we do the same with set role in this file main.wasp also?...

google auth

I created an app using mage, and didn't include google authentication. I would now like to add that functionality. What is the simplest way to add that functionality?

Won't show up on google

Hey i have configured google search console with my site along with added head tags in my main.wasp but my site will only show up if i type site:mylecturelab.com on google.
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Problem with generating Entity from Prisma Model.

Hello, I am new to wasp. I add new model to Prisma model Rocket { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) description String...

What is entites?

what does the entites parameter in the main.wasp file mean?