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0.14 -> 0.15 migration + fly

I migrated from wasp 0.14 to 0.15 in my openSaaS app. After following the instructions here: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/migration-guides/migrate-from-0-14-to-0-15 everything works great locally, but when I try to deploy on fly.io with
wasp deploy fly deploy
wasp deploy fly deploy
I get the following error, which I think might have to do with React Router 5->6: $ REACT_APP_API_URL=https://korean-language-app-server.fly.dev npm run build
[email protected] build...

Your wasp project has successfully compiled is the last message

So when i use database_url set to my supabase url, and then do wasp start - it does not send me into a new tab or initate localhost:3000? its like it gets stuck but there is no error all it says is just - Your wasp project has successfully compiled....

SMTP doesn't send emails on production

Hi, I configured SMTP and testing on local, everything works great, I sign up and I get the verification email. Unfortunately, when I switch to production, emails aren't sending. The error: Failed to send email Error: connect ECONNREFUSED WASP version: 0.14.0 My platform: WSL ...

Can I disable cors on backend

I am using a nginx side car container to handle cors. However the server also tried to handle cors and it is sending multiple origins. I tried the middleware suggested in this and that doesn't work https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/middleware-config#1-customize-global-middleware I need to allow requests from https://youtube.com because the content script in the extension makes call from this domain...

where can i edit login and signup pages?

kapa where can i edit login and signup page? i want to edit the button colors and main texts

How is the wasp website built?

https://wasp-lang.dev/ 1) I wanted to contribute a few docs and would rather see the website before I submit 2) Mostly I wanted to move deployment not to be nested under /advanced, or? Deployment is actually a general topic for everyone....

failed to send email production app

When i try to sign up in my opensaas app it says "check email" but the server logs say: ``` POST /auth/email/signup 200 286.658 ms - 16 ...

[plugin:vite:import-analysis] Failed to resolve import "../../../../src/clientSetup" from "src/index

I am trying to use the experiment ts support instead of the Wasp's DSL. I followed the migration guide, and i am getting an error telling me that clientSetup does not exist?

fly deployment issues

flyctl deploy --remote-only --config ../../fly.toml ==> Verifying app config Validating ../../fly.toml āœ“ Configuration is valid --> Verified app config...

Migration issues

I'm migrating from .14 to .15 and i get this - "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/client/auth/PasswordReset.tsx(7,6): error TS2559: Type '{ children: Element[]; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes'.\n" + import { ResetPasswordForm } from 'wasp/client/auth'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { AuthWrapper } from './authWrapper';...

How do i properly deploy?

I am really stuck at the moment on how to deploy. In the docs there are alot of different pages that say alot. I am not sure what and how to pass through the environment variables i set.... For example the DATABASE_URL i can only set that after i deployed right? also WASP_WEB_CLIENT_URL, this is also known after i deployed right and WASP_SERVER_URL? My main question is what env vars do I need to set before running any command and what after? And what environment variables do I need to set myself with that secrets set or --server-secret ?...

Flask server in wasp

Hello everyone, in src/server i have put the file main.py that contains: ``` from flask import Flask from richestBtc import richestBtc_bp ...
No description

Update / maintain production deployment

Lets say i deploy to fly my V1 of my app. How would i then maintain it and for example update it without having users loose data. Let say i add a new page and some new actions locally. How can i push these to fly?...

Exclude certain files or folders on Fly Deploy

I'm using Cursor charged with Wasp Docs and other docs inside @src/. I want to deploy some changes with Fly but I don't want the Wasp docs to be uploaded to my server. How can I exclude it somehow?...

Websocket queries

how does the usewebsocket work? i have in main.wasp webSocket: {...

Even after setting auth:true in api end point in main.wasp api end point is not secure.

I can still call my api simply from http://localhost:3000/api/custom-api-endpoint-with-parameters and it shows api response with data. How to solve this and make it secure?...


I'm creating an OpenSaas document application. When the user uploads a file, it sends the file to the operations.ts backend for processing. However, I'm getting a "PayloadTooLargeError: request entity too large" error, even when trying to upload an 80kb file. I created a serverSetup.js file and added "export const serverSetup = () => { app.use(express.json({ limit: '50mb' })); app.use(express.urlencoded({ limit: '50mb' , extended: true }));...

How can I create a JSON field in a model?

Hi, I'm trying to create a model that has a JSON field (Mainly to store a structured data) but I'm facing an error that I can't figure it out. Here are the models:...

Clear wasp api endpoint imports errors in ide?

Is there a way to fix these annoying things? VSCode errors every wasp api endpoint in the imports....

Can't find example to configure logging(ex winston) on the server.

I would like log some information during api calls . I would like it to be debug for dev and info for production. And also log thing in json format instead of lines which get split across in log aggregation framework. Any suggestion how to achieve this