Combat Warriors


Combat Warriors

Official Combat Warriors server. Join to receive updates, announcements, and to chat with the community! ⚔🗡🏹


Help my clothes wont show up

My Clothes wont show up in combat warriors
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For ppl who got a mythical from the credits case

How much % luck you got and how many cases You opened ?


This happened recently but for some reason my shift lock key is the same as my left shift which is used for running but shift lock is also ctrl. This is causing me to run and then when i stop holding down shift to run it get me out of shift lock and sometimes it makes it so my character body follows my cursor for some reason. I also noticed that when I equip a weapon it changes the normal looking shift lock into just a circle which looks weird. Please fix this or help me find a way to fix this.

administration banning for no reason

I didn't use exploits in combat warriors why am I banned man, I'm crying it was my favorite game, how did I use a hack, I wanted proof of that, my nicknames os Itz_theus81

vanguard 2x xp

Hii, i have a problem, my 2x xp vanguard is not working, and i have it. I have gold and vanguard, and i got only 600 xp when i kill a guy, and I was supposed to be earning 1200xp, what i can do to solve my problem. Please help!

What is prompt activation fail?

While trying to get a drop, once the drop claim cooldown thing got over and when i should've gotten the drop, it just said "prompt activation fail" and didn't give me the drop someone a few secs later got it I did nothing weird, nor did some out of place movements or tricks, didn't equip anything, just calmly walked up to the drop and tried to get it Idk if its a glitch, if its intentional or what i did wrong...


I used a glitch jump and flew so high that I started to be teleported by anti-cheat. I received a ban from a complaint, decided to file an appeal, and the bot issues this.
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PS cmds

Can you summon mythical weapon/spec airdrop with /airdrop cmd? Cuz the instructions for the cmd is "/airdrop [num] [type] and no matter how hard i try it won't spawn


Why dont you add a thingy to convert aethers ti credits

Can I refund my gamepasses?

I bought vanguard, gold and killsounds before I got banned from the game, now i am banned but i still got the gamepasses. I want to know if i could refund to get some of my robux back?:wawaian:

Permanent ban

Sorry but I was permanently banned from the CombatWarriors game can you help me with that admin
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animation on weapons

is there a reason why the hit animations are the same for weapons that have multiple hit animations? i keep having 1/3 on the bottom right of my screen. my friend is able to have different hit animations and i dont know how to not just have one
go into your settings and set your slash reset delay to 3


so this guy was using bow and hacks and also got a streak


ban on the account for no reason, now ban this guy, there's no point:crybig:
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Why do some people stomp before movement?

idk why they do that
Dash tech fake out, stomp and dash launches you a bit forward stomp is used to cancel the dash animation,if you do it frequently stomping yet not dashing is a fake out.

I want to claim this temporary bam

I don't understand the reason for the temporary ban. I've played legally from the beginning and, as if that weren't enough, for a reason that doesn't make sense. What is that? A black cat with red eyes. I wouldn't like the temporary ban to continue as a permanent one. Thanks.
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