Lurkr Support


Lurkr Support

The official support server for the Lurkr bot. View more at


giving xp to multiple users at once?

is there a way to give xp to multiple people at once manually.
Unfortunately not right now, it is on our todo list
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The BlackCat
The BlackCat4/14/2024

/rank issues[SOLVED]

My users can't use /rank
They're slash commands not text commands. They need to type / and then select the rank command from the menu. Otherwise you didn't give your members the Discord permission to use slash commands
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Donny Ohmygod
Donny Ohmygod4/14/2024

Rank card background

I can't load the background image. The bot writes that the file size should not exceed 5 MB, although the image meets this requirement.
@Donny Ohmygod should be working now
The BlackCat
The BlackCat4/12/2024

Dashboard is broken.[SOLVED]

Dashboard doesn't work with chromium. Broken so that I cannot save settings. I had to use /config set to set the current settings I have. I did follow the steps in #πŸ†˜-help-me and cleared the cash and re-logged Discord....
this bug WAS with chromium because it was specific to your site. since updating to the Dev version fixed it.
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is there a way to see more than 100 people on leaderboard

want to see top 300 people for example

roles not given on xp add

Great bot so far πŸ˜„ i transferred roles/xp from MEE6 just fine, but im trying xp add to boost someone and the issue im facing is that when someone gets lets say level 50 with xp add, they arent assigned a role? I have to manually run sync roles. is that normal?...
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Apathy 🌸
Apathy 🌸4/10/2024

Roles disappearing on the dashboard.

Hi. I went to go and edit my level roles today on the dashboard and I noticed that some of my roles on the dashboard have disappeared. It shows this way on the dashboard. The link to it is:
Implemented a fix. This should no longer happen. Sorry for the troubles
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Members not gaining experience

Hello @CmdData and @Almeida , I'm trying to get you to upload from my server members, they didn't even upload, something is missing
you have to update your leveling channels to include the ones you want members to be able to gain xp in
styix βœͺ
styix βœͺ4/7/2024

How to enable member count data storage

How do I enable this?
/config toggle option:Member Join/Leave Tracking
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𝒲𝒾𝓏𝒢𝓇𝒹 πΏπ’Ύπ“π’Άπ“‡π’ΉπŸŒ·
𝒲𝒾𝓏𝒢𝓇𝒹 πΏπ’Ύπ“π’Άπ“‡π’ΉπŸŒ·4/5/2024

I can't remove a person from my leaderboard

In my leaderboard ( I have an entry on position 44 called BadWitch#3516 and i don't have that id from discord available to me so I can remove this account from the xp leaderboard, I do have a 2nd account called BadWitch on my server but it's #BadWitch#3521, they aren't the same account and i need help to clean this account from the leaderboard please
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The Web isn't loading ?

I'm having issue with the dashboard, the channel selection isn't loading, I tried relogin, use other browser but doesn't seems to work. When I invited the bot first time it worked normally but now it don't.
Use /config troubleshoot and screenshot the output
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Hello, is the bot shareable with the Spanish language?

Since I speak Spanish and I want to install it on my server, I need to know if it is shareable with the Spanish language
No we currently don't support Spanish, we are working on adding different languages in the future

remove bonus xp

Is there a way to remove the 20% bonus xp? That gets added in the discord fhe voting thing.
Yes you can use /config toggle option:Vote Boosted Leveling

How do i change the bot prefix?

How do i change the bot prefix to send the commands to whatever i want instead of using the /[command]? If it is even possible, would really help because i cant find how to do it anywhere
Bots shouldn't support that anymore, Discord changed to slash commands.

Questions about leveling

In the document it said highest to input in "until" is 20 so that means if I put 3 which is the lowest it will import all user that have level 3 and higher ? And if they have over level 20 it still save right ?
no, we do not have control over mee6's data.
(Not) That GuyΒΉ
(Not) That GuyΒΉ3/26/2024

Role Reward Announcement

I am looking up setting up the level up message, and i don't see an option to have it mention the role the user has gained Doc's. I do have it set to only announce to threshold of five, and to only announce level up with role reward. Any assistance would be great, and hopefully its only something I have simply overlooked....
That's currently not available, we do have it on our to-do list however πŸ‘

Levels stop at level 10

My level system is bugged and is stuck at level 10, is there a way to fix this?
You have the XP Role Rewards you have set, also set as No XP Roles which means that everyone who has at least one of those roles will stop gaining levels
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SG α΄‹ΙͺΚ€Ιͺᴛᴏ
SG α΄‹ΙͺΚ€Ιͺᴛᴏ3/25/2024

Daily Top Leveling Role

Daily Top Leveling Role Not Working
the daily top leveling role is perhaps mislabeled on the dashboard, as its simply the "all time top leveling role", which is updated daily
SG α΄‹ΙͺΚ€Ιͺᴛᴏ
SG α΄‹ΙͺΚ€Ιͺᴛᴏ3/20/2024

Custom Level up Msg

how can i do something like this
Unfortunately that's not currently supported
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How to remove previously assigned Role Rewards after changing the roles

How to fix roles for members after adjusting leveling scheme? Changed mine and can’t figure out how to remove all the old roles/add the new. Tried sync user data but not helpful in this
if you removed certain roles from role rewards, the bot will no longer touch them