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[Nixpacks] Trouble with .net 8 and the Web API template.

The command failing
nixpacks build WebApplication1/ --env NIXPACKS_CSHARP_SDK_VERSION=8.0
nixpacks build WebApplication1/ --env NIXPACKS_CSHARP_SDK_VERSION=8.0

Cannot delete volume or wipe its data

need team to access this, the volume has been deattached and located in singapore, i've named it "CANNOT BE DELETED TF" as you can see by the name...
New reply sent from Help Station thread:
Hey! I've deleted the volume for you. Sorry about that
You're seeing this because this thread has been automatically linked to the Help Station thread....

How do we keep a template inline with project changes?

I want to be able to keep a template inline with a project. How do I go about doing this? Or do we need to recreate the template whenever we make a change?
this would need to be a manual process, if you make changes to a project you need to manually go and update the template

How to deploy image for django application

I deployed my website. I used github. However, even though I can complete the form to update profile photos, I can not see the picture. Can you help me??
please implement the static file server as shown here - https://github.com/vfehring/django-volumes/blob/master/mysite%2Furls.py...

Railway PSQL with VPN on

I generally keep a VPN on, and it seems that it never works for connecting to my Postgres database. Neither railway connect postgres nor the psql command PGPASSWORD=xxyy psql -h viaduct.proxy.rlwy.net -U postgres -p 1111 -d railway get anything back with VPN on. With VPN off it works fine. Not sure if this is an engineering decision. However, it would make my life a lot easier if I didn't need to switch networks just to see my db. Is there a way to do it?...

Celery worker container dies while Starting Pool

Project ID: 1639f59c-5c44-42c3-9a46-6b7566be82f3 Running a Django application with Postgres + Redis... setup has been fine so far, a few silly misconfigurations on my part, but I'm a little stumped on this one since there's very little data to suggest what might be going wrong. I'm attempting to deploy the Celery worker as a separate service based off the same repo that holds the Django project. I looked briefly over one of the templates and didn't see anything drastically different from my configuration, or perhaps I'm just not experienced enough to identify it. Here's some of the logs prior to failure:...
you are likely running out of memory on the trial plan and thus your app is crashing, try this as the start command instead -
celery -A akashi worker --loglevel=DEBUG -E --concurrency 1
celery -A akashi worker --loglevel=DEBUG -E --concurrency 1

multiple deployments running at once?

title. there's 2 deployments running on one of my projects and i can't remove the old one because it's already removed.
go ahead and reset your bot token

im new pls help :(

im new at this, pls help me im making a dicord bot and the github already have requirement.txt and procfile...
you will need to upgrade to the hobby plan in order to deploy your code
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React vinxi app failing build

Hi there, for some reason my build is failing for my vinxi app here are the build logs: ```bash ...

Problem initializing project

In my localhost its runnig ok, but once I tried to deploy it it crash and I really dont understand well why
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Django migration hanging

I landed some changes which included a Dango migration, these normally run flawlessly, but today it just hangs, never finishes. I tried redeploying, also tried running the migration manually from the CLI and still hangs. The migration ran locally without issue. The dependency listed in the migration does exsit. ...
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Quick network bandwidth fee question

Do ingress/egress fees for service that communicates with other service on a different project billed? They're in the same region (Singapore)

Changing the region on pro plan

Hi Railway Support Team, I recently subscribed to the PRO plan to change the region of my services to Europe, closer to my location. While I was able to change the region, when I check the IP location of my project on websites like iplocation.net, it still appears to be located in Washington DC. Could you please assist me with this issue?...

Internal Server error. There seems to be an error, please try again later.

Please is there an official channel to make a complaint on Railway other than this Discord platform? This is the third time I'm raising this issue of my Postgres database disconnecting from my Django application occasionally. I have 12 of my client's application on Railway and I discovered this server error in each of them lately. Nobody seems to be helping here. Project ID: d3b93095-b812-42d6-8aeb-75715e25ae06...
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SQL Editor

does railway have this and im not being able to connect to my postgres database im struggling to get this connecting any help thanks
If you are connecting from your deployed application you can use the private URL. If you are using a database management application on your computer, you will need to use the public url

Is it possible to transfer a hobby project to another account?

I've been hosted a project for my friend for a few months now but I don't want to deal with it anymore, is it possible to transfer it to his hobby project or do I have to do it manually?

I am trying to mount a volume to my app that way it can save a screenshot for debugging purposes

I don't know what path I should set the screenshots to save to, or what path to mount the volume at. I'm not very experienced with volumes and would appreciate some help

Postgresql Read Replicas

Hi, is it possible to do a postgresql read replicas in railway? since i think 1 volume can only be attached to single application Do anyone have guide or tutorial on here? If yes, please let me know here 😄 I need it to setup to reduce possible downtime by attacks like ddos, and prevent unwanted breaking things...