


Hang out with other likeminded developers & talk about all things https://railway.app on the Railway Community Server.


Data migration to another database

Hello. I want to migrate my data from a database in one of my accounts to the database in a new account. How can that be done on Railway?
pg_dump -> pgrestore
DADilshod Abdulloev4/30/2024

Transfer one service from one project to another

How i can transfer my service from one project to another
this would be a manual process as railway does not provide a way to do this for you

Help with Ghost

The Ghost forum is dead so that's why I post here. I added a third tier and it does not show up on the front end. What am I doing wrong? https://barnabynagy.com/...
No description
CSCat Socks4/30/2024

Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle

Deploying the fast api tepmplate with 3.11 and pdm https://github.com/railwayapp-templates/fastapi/tree/main Failing on build with "OSError: Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle" I'm surprised that nixpack doesn't install an ssl cert automatically, so curious what the problem might be....
Nevermind, it wasn't related to railway. Corrupted pdm.lock file was the culprit
DADilshod Abdulloev4/30/2024

Push to GitHub

I have a telegram bot that locally stores user ids. And every time a new user logs in, this file with id is updated. How can I get this updated file? Can Railway push to my branch?
Your github repo is not file storage, you would want to store files in a volume for persistence - https://docs.railway.app/guides/volumes or use a database like postgres...

TCP connection via private railway network times out

48f3719a-323b-4609-812c-5b818714b649 deployment id, 2d76fc7b-e09c-410f-b7e3-117dfccc41bf project id. I have a service with private networking on that should be available on personalized_assistant_core.railway.internal My other deployed service can't seem to connect to it over internal netwok, neither by internal url : Could not connect to personalized_assistant_core.railway.internal:8786. Error: Timed out trying to connect to tcp://personalized_assistant_core.railway.internal:8786 after 30 s ...
Ok, the docs (You will need to bind to a IPv6 port to receive traffic on the private network) and duck debugging help. Ty, dear duck, you're extremely useful! :duck50: Problem resolved 🌚...

Cron job(s) didn't run on schedule (every 6 hours)

The last execution was around 15 hours ago, around the time I deployed it via Github.
No description

Trial with Pro plan

Hey there! We are a very small startup! I just signed up with Railway and checked the pricing plans. The pro plan( i.e. 32GB RAM and 32 vCPU per service) is very reasonable and I would like to move my app from our current cloud service to Railway. However, first I would like to try for a few days and see if it's a good fit for us. I was wondering if there is any free trial for Pro plan, maybe for a few days? or any money back if I decide to cancel within a few days? Thank you!

Build reruns

When my application is building it build's succesfully, but when in tries to publish it will rebuild Project id: af8cbfdc-5700-4e63-9b58-4aeb070840d3...
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data deleted

deleted an entire team project by mistake is there any way of getting back the instances // tables?
then im sorry but that data would be gone

Writting a file gives me an Error: EACCES: permission denied

I have to create and download files dynamically, in other questions on this discord, I have seen that they give the solution for volumes because the files created in production are not persistent, but i dont want that, I download them and then delete them, I don't need them to be persistent, but it gives me this error: [Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/app/public/miFile.tx'] Although it is in the public folder it still gives a writing error because it does not have permission...
try removing line 20
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Observability - 24 hour time format

The observability feature now displays the time in a 12-hour format, without indicating AM or PM. It used to show it in a 24 hour format, and I prefer it like that, as that is what I am accustomed to.
WDCWeb Dev Cody4/29/2024

Slow Image Push

Sometimes on railway I'm noticing builds taking over 10 minutes just to build my next.js application and publish the image. This is the one thing that is killing me about using railway.
nixpacks does not make small images to say the least, you would be able to significantly cut down on publish and deploy times if you where to write a multi stage dockerfile
No description
AJAlgeu Junior4/29/2024

Postgres crashes after config

I ran the following command: ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb,pg_stat_statements'; and my deploy is crashing: `PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization...
database is back up

backup postgres R2

What's the problem with this error? wrong credential? ``` Error while running backup: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND co-ro.s3.enam.amazonaws.com at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookupall [as oncomplete] (node:dns:118:26) {...
I ended up looking at the source code, I didn't need to set the custom env: AWS_S3_ENDPOINT

I cant deploy.

Hello! i for some reason cant deploy my self hosted version of the zeppelin discord bot. Please help me.
sounds like you are on the limited trial, you would need to upgrade to hobby to deploy code
FAFaruq Alli-Balogun4/29/2024

How do I create a template from the following Docker files?

Dockerfile ```yml FROM postgres:16-alpine3.19 RUN apk -U add --no-cache ...

Is it possible to use Redis?

After all that has happened to Redis, is it still possible to create a Docker image and update it to a newer version?
as long as bitnami updates their image, yes you will be able to update your deployment, railway does not offer managed redis hosting

Is it possible to use Redis?

After all that has happened to Redis, is it still possible to create a Docker image and receive updates for newer versions?

Watch paths to ignore on PR deployment (preview)

I have watch paths set on the preview environment, but am still seeing instances spin up for new PRs. Is this intended? Saw the same question in https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1211059702180347934...