


Hang out with other likeminded developers & talk about all things https://railway.app on the Railway Community Server.


Missing services on the canvas when grouped

I have created a template that has a caddy proxy that depends on a server (using variable references) that depends on postgres database When I tried deploying it, it created a group with caddy server then the web server appeared after a few seconds but I couldn't find the postgres service even though the web server can connect to it and I can see it when I go to delete the project and when I collapse the group I tried removing the group and refreshing the page but I can't see the postgres service...

Can't create a template from a project with caddy server

I want to create a template from a project that has caddy proxy from Railway templates, a server from GitHub repo and Railway postgres image When I go to project settings to generate a template from the project I get this error: Service caddy proxy doesn't have a source that can be used to generate a template...
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if I use the prepaid subscription, do I still need to pay $5/month? or it always active until it run

if I use the prepaid subscription, do I still need to pay $5/month? or it always active until it runs out of credit?
yes you still need to pay the $5 monthly subscription

Our server can no longer query our database

MYSQL Workbench still allows us to connect and run Queries, but our server is unable to connect. The log is saying: { sqlMessage: "Plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded",...
Let's hope it was, could you try appending --mysql-native-password=ON to your database start command? You can find that on the same settings page if you scroll down a bit...

Getting sporadic logs, something might be broken

Railway is generally pretty reliable, but for the last 10 minutes, I’ve been getting a flurry of what appears to be networking logs. I don’t know for sure that Railway is the culprit, but could somebody from Railway on the networking side look into if there’s something going on? This is not a hobby server
yeah your workload would have likely been on that restarted stacker
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Changing referral code

Will old referral code still work if I change to new code?

Railway CLI token

So this token will only work on the selected Environment or any on the project? This is project level token btw....
please see this docs section - https://docs.railway.app/guides/cli#tokens
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cloudflare tunnel and sveltekit

projectID: 171d055d-0855-415c-8f03-8b52fb322141 Hey, I am getting 502 bad gateway for my sveltekit application, I am using node adaptor. I believe I followed all instructions as in https://railway.app/template/cf-tunnel...
massively overcomplex, simply add your custom domain to your service
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Response times don't depend on location?

I have Hobby plan application set up in US-West1. One of our team members located in LA California has the same response times as rest of team located in Wrocław Poland. Shouldn't LA connection to Oregon server be faster?...

How do you set the Logs timestamp to be UTC for everyone?

Currently our team members all see the logs in their own timezones. I want them to be all in UTC. Where do I set this? Project ID: 3747f720-8c9c-4d81-9b13-1e420ceabd6c...
this is not something that is configurable

Seeing slow 50ms queries for simple select * of a 2000 record query to a Supabase database.

Example of a query that takes 54ms:
SELECT u0."id", u0."phoneNumber", u0."timezone", u0."createdAt" FROM "users" AS u0 WHERE (u0."phoneNumber" = $1)
SELECT u0."id", u0."phoneNumber", u0."timezone", u0."createdAt" FROM "users" AS u0 WHERE (u0."phoneNumber" = $1)
Is this just the expected latency?
Unfortunately, yes, supabase is famous for its latency unless you also host in the same zone...

PR Environment Selective Services

In a Railway project, is there a way to choose which services are and are not duplicated in PR environments? For example, I have prod data backup job services that only should run on prod and don't need to run in any PR envs, but they get installed in all PR envs because the base env is prod If not, consider this a feature request (I can send in #🤗|feedback )! My other idea was to make a separate project with services I don't want duplicated in PR envs....

Trusting proxy IP

Apparently there is some custom header that could be use the get the real client IP and cannot be spoofed (X-Envoy-External-Address or X-Real-Ip ?) Sounds like I cannot trust those custom headers with Laravel https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/requests. Is there some proxy IP that could be trusted ?...
X-Real-Ip is the header you trust as long as you arent running behind another proxy (cloudflare) https://utilities.up.railway.app/raw...

Railway incorrectly shows deployment as crashed

Railway will say a deployment is crashed when it is running and fully functional. https://i.mrxbox98.me/file/2024/10/chrome_lxDTagKbOK.png

Does build cache automatically?

Hi guys, I have roughly about 275 packages in my requirements.txt file, I'm just wondering if I have previously deployed built with these packages, woudl the build cache this and not try to download these packages again?

Redeploy call

Hi! I have a problem. Sometimes my server code gives me an error and the only way to fix it is to redeploy from railway the latest github version. Is there any way when I get this error, in the exception to make a call from the code to redeploy?

Workers and auto-deploy

1. Is there a way to disable auto deploy? I have workers that are in a middle of a job that I don't want disrupted until its finished with a job before deploying a new version. 2. Is there a way "trigger" a job? Ex, I have a task that I only need to run once in a while so currently I'm just remove the instance and re-deploying...

Some services have no deploys in auto-generated PR environments

We set up a "PR template environment" with a simple stack of services we want deployed as a preview for new PRs on on our repos and enabled the "PR Environments" option. Generally, this works — new PRs create a new environment clone of the template environment, and deploy everything pretty much immediately. However, every now and then, some or all of the services in these auto-generated PR environments just never deploy, instead just saying "No deploys for this service" (see screenshot). Doesn't seem to be a matter of waiting either — usually they deploy pretty much immediately, but sometimes even after 30+ minutes almost all of the services remain undeployed....
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Urgent: Where to purchase Railway credits? Credits expiring soon

Hi there, Received an email saying we are low in credits. Our service has to be up continually. I can't find where to purchase more credits? Says here that it's on our billing page, can't see anywhere. https://docs.railway.app/reference/pricing/plans If we run out of credits, will we simply just be charged for usage on our connected credit card?