


Hang out with other likeminded developers & talk about all things https://railway.app on the Railway Community Server.


image architecture

What docker image architecture should by my target if I want to run a custom image on Railway? I have built one to linux/arm64/v8 but am getting the error below when trying to deploy on Railway: exec container process /bin/sh: Exec format error...

Deploy from connected image not triggering?

I have my deployment connected to an image in ghcr.io. The first time I deployed, it worked fine; however, I just published a new image a few minutes ago, and Railway hasn't picked it up. Does it just take some time? 12fe90d4-42ca-4704-980b-e16da59696c0...

Getting error when using Prisma Pulse templates

I'm trying to setup prisma pulse using the provided templates and I keep getting an error in the build logs when i deploy the template.
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cron job timezone

what timezone railway cron job uses, if i create cron job will it use my time or a specfic time zone?

404 on /admin for strapi

I've been hosting a Strapi CMS for a while. Suddenly I can't access the /admin panel anymore. I get a 404 and this message: {"data":null,"error":{"status":404,"name":"NotFoundError","message":"Not Found","details":{}}} The service is running, and other routes are responded to as usual. I did add fiddle around with another service in the same project, a frontend, but I deleted it. The issue could have started then, but I'm not sure how that can be related. Unless something happened to the routing in my project that I can't see in my dashboard... Anyone else had this issue? I'm kinda stuck....

Cron jobs

I have a main app in Django and a separate service that downloads events from the main app and syncs them with Google Calendar. I want this synchronization to happen every 5 minutes. I'm considering whether to use cron jobs or to run the service continuously with some kind of scheduler (e.g., Celery or APScheduler) - I guess the cron jobs will use less resources? I'm testing cron jobs right now, and it starts main.py, which currently just prints 'main.py'. Does the log 'container event container died' mean that the container closed after running the whole code? But why first log is 'contrainer event container died' then my print?...
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Simple Q: How to move volume to new db service.

I'm currently moving from the base postgres template to the timescale version (for financial data) "https://github.com/railwayapp-templates/timescale-postgis-ssl/pkgs/container/timescale-postgis-ssl" How can I most efficiently and effectively move my data from the old db service to the new?...

App Timeout (europe server)

Hello team! Do you have problems in Europe now? My applications are receiving timeouts. Project ID : 1ce56d96-ca0c-45e5-a02c-c058bc3ea581...
We had received a large volume of requests for our EU edge proxy, we have since mitigated these requests and are seeing a recovery.

App timeout

As the title says Project ID c85c2301-7f39-418c-bcc5-6ec0046f7e6a...
We had received a large volume of requests for our EU edge proxy, we have since mitigated these requests and are seeing a recovery.
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The app is experiencing a lot of timeouts.

Is there any ongoing issue. Our app is experiencing a lot of timeouts.
We had received a large volume of requests for our EU edge proxy, we have since mitigated these requests and are seeing a recovery.

project still says running despite finishing

see images I want to ensure I am not charged for this usage the correct run worked and is at a later timestamp see image but the old one is still running
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merge accounts

I have an account signed up via email, i made years ago with active project on it, I just clicked login with GH oauth and that created an account on that end is there a way to merge the two?

Is it possible to deploy few services from single repo with toml file?

In Railway documentation i see only examples with single service creation in .toml. So was wondering if it is possible to deploy two services with separate docker files from one repository using github repo deploy? Or maybe it is possible to define few toml files in single repo?

railway up timed out

Getting this error as on image
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Running "railway up --service my-service" but I get 404

I'm trying to deploy my image to railway using the railway cli in my github actions. But when I use "railway up --service my-service" I get 404. I have multiple projects but in this project I only have one service and that is pulling my image from ghcr.io...

Failed to add Database

When I try to add a database, it says it failed to do so.
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Custom domain SSL certificate errors

Woke up this morning to all my users complaining that the server certificate has expired - the usual error message in browser. Examining the cert it has expired. In the railway dashboard my custom domain status is "Issuing TLS certificate"...

Railway login - Unauthorized

Hi 👋 Every time I'm trying to run railway login im getting this error. I just installed the railway CLI 😢 Project id: e8b842e3-3ef8-4517-8759-b080be8df8ad...
try deleting the .railway folder in your home directory
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Is it allowed to setup a public VPN/Tunnel service ?
it is not

Private networking - CORS?

I connect to my backend via private networking. Currently, I've allowed all origins, but I'd like to tighten it up. I'm not sure if there's a correct/dynamic way to do this in Railway, though. 12fe90d4-42ca-4704-980b-e16da59696c0...
The private network is only accessible internally, there wouldn't be much point doing that cause no one else can access it anyway