Questions to new API Implementation
2. Following REST I want to create get, post, put etc routes for a specific slug e.g. birthday
. Do I need to create 4 separate files for this with each a different filename? this does not really look like an effective way?...How would I add the prisma client as property to the Augment.d.ts?
prisma generate
after reinstalling prisma dep haha
Roles being removed directly after being assigned
Accessing a public method in a listener's class
string-store input validation
Precondition variations
[['ModeratorOnly', 'EventStaffOnly'], 'BreakRoom'],
Means (ModeratorOnly || EventStaffOnly) && BreakRoom
right?...crash when loading a autocomplete
string-store enum
:)Precondition doesn't return an error message
How to get name&description (default and localized)?
, but I don't want to use decorators. Also, I want to get to the localized variants of the name&description. Any ideas how to do it except for adding i18n sapphire plugin or it's the only option?MikroORM with Sapphire (AsyncLocalStorage)
Use precondition on subcommands
Skipped piece
[Trace] -> [structures/EClient.js] [STORE => listeners] [LOAD] Skipped piece 'C:\Users\Des\Desktop\kannabot-v2\dist\listeners\giveaways\' as 'LoaderStrategy#filter' returned 'null'.
[Trace] -> [structures/EClient.js] [STORE => listeners] [LOAD] Skipped piece 'C:\Users\Des\Desktop\kannabot-v2\dist\listeners\giveaways\' as 'LoaderStrategy#filter' returned 'null'.
Sapphire does not load any folders
folder haven't been loaded for unknown reason
Object.defineProperty(this, 'maximumPageAmount', { value: 100 });...
export class ExtendedPaginatedMessage extends PaginatedMessage {
public maximumPageAmount = 100;
export class ExtendedPaginatedMessage extends PaginatedMessage {
public maximumPageAmount = 100;
How to transpile TypeScript using Bun?
bun build
command.bun start
in package.json: "scripts": {
"start": "bun src/index.ts"
"scripts": {
"start": "bun src/index.ts"
How to find the context responses of Identifiers
(or other Identifiers) to handle my own response, but i can't find it anywherehow to delete dropdown in PaginatedMessage?

this.container.utilities.<your thing>
. As per the readme example it would be this.container.utilities.sum.add(...)
. If you want to put raw strings in there use public class properties or getters.
So yes I suppose you're right. It's a bit of a niche thing for people who don't like many imports. I don't use it personally....api auth via expo