


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.

Nils Domin
Nils Domin5/18/2024

Strange routes behaviour in production

I have a strange routes behaviour in my production deployment with two panels, one "/admin" and one "/app". On my local environment everything works expected, but on production it doesn't. If I log into /admin, everything is okay, if I try to login into /app, there are "too many redirects". I can't figure out, why. If I run php artisan route:list I get the correct routes in local, but there's a strange route in production deployment (, which I think that causes the problem. I've created the custom LoginResponse recommended by Povilas (, but this doesn't solve the problem. Where does this "" route come from?...
Ricardo Sawir
Ricardo Sawir5/18/2024

datetimePicker sometimes change hours byiteself

Hi, i encountered the picker sometimes change the hour by itself, uses chrome on windows, any fix to this issue?

Add Action group in a custom infolist layout

I have a custom infolist layout which doing a for loop. And on each item there is a button that will do something with the item on the loop. The error occurs when I click the button ("Confirm"), it says App\Livewire\Modals\BillingCustomerInvoiceList::getInfolist(): Argument #1 ($name) must be of type string, null given. Any workarounds? This is the custom layout I have ```php <div>...

ImportAction 10 thousand lines of csv

Good day everyone! I was wondering what approach you normally do or any suggestions you can give when dealing with importing 10 thousand lines inside one csv file? I tried change the chuncksize to a 100, tried splitting the csv to mutiple files, change maxexecutiontime of php and everything i could think of but still get server timeout.
Mark Chaney
Mark Chaney5/18/2024

CreateAction with model(), no $data passed

Doing something pretty much the same as whats in the docs, which is ```php CreateAction::make() ->model(Post::class) ->form([ TextInput::make('title')...
EL REKT5/18/2024

Hide action table by role

I use spatie shield to set roles for users, I want to hide some actions in the table if the role is not super admin, how do I do that? I have tried this but it doesn't work.
Shouldn't it be hasRole('super_admin') ?

How do I pass values through a render hook?

I have the following hook for my EditUser::class ```php ->renderHook( PanelsRenderHook::CONTENT_END,...

Personalizing panel background

Hey guys, i want to personalize my panel background ... maybe putting some image with opacity .. idk. How can i do that ?

Is it possible to do two exports on the same Model ?

I need two differents exports for the same model, but I don't know how I can do...
Ok, I found, You need to copy/paste the class, It's not possible with CLI

Adding Livewire Component to Sidebar

If I wanted to add a custom livewire component to the sidebar, above or below the standard navigation, where would I start that journey? Is there a nav hook, or a template I can override?
You can use a render hook.

Cache Action (Modal) Response

Hi, is it possible to cache the response of filament table actions (modals) for a certain amount of time? Background: I've got a project that has a page which can experience a lot of traffic and I would like to keep the responses as tiny as possible. Because livewire makes additonal requests when a modal gets shown, I want to improve that as well....

Panel with public access (without login)

Hello, is it possible to create a panel that does not require a logged user to access it? I have tried to do it by creating a new filament-panel, removing the login() method and the authenticate class from the auth middleware. But when I enter the panel url from the browser, it shows me a Laravel 500 error page.

Status color options

I have a status table where there are various status options for instance new , old, cold, taken etc . What I want the user have access to choose color of their own choice so what would be the right approch to do that using colorpicker or what else ? I've used colorpicker before but did not worked in this case. Can someone guide me on this please

Autosave entire edit form with debounce

Hi all Has anyone implemented autosaving for an entire edit page's form, along with some kind of debounce? I'll need to use debounce to avoid blowing up my server. Honestly have no idea on the approach to take for this one......

Which is the best way to translate texts to another language?

I need to translate all my app to spanish, is the only language that I need

Table Custom Column Update.

I have created a custom column in a table and want to update all the fields of the custom column by clicking on update. custom column having input fields like checkboxes and dropdown . How do I get all the values of a single row while clicking on update?...

..need help on Form Wizard Pest Test With Each Step Form Validation

I have a custom page which extends
use Filament\Pages\Page;
use Filament\Pages\Page;
now in this page I use
use Filament\Pages\Concerns\InteractsWithFormActions;
use Filament\Pages\Concerns\InteractsWithFormActions;
as trait and use this page for form....
John Bacon
John Bacon5/17/2024

Is there any way to get a Link component in via form builder?

We want a "Forgot your password?" link within our form schema, but it doesn't seem possible. What should we do?
pepperoni dogfart
pepperoni dogfart5/17/2024

Filters - setting opposite when unchecked

Hello, I have a column in the database for "complete" in a basic task list. By default when I view the table, I'd like it to display by default all tasks where complete = false. I was able to add a filter toggle in to show completed tasks, but having an issue figuring out when it's not toggled, those records would be hidden....

Action Of TextInput

hi i have this piece of code, what im doing wrong ? because on the repeater or normal form suffixAction or hintAction works well, but inside the fieldset didnt work anything `Components\Fieldset::make('qr') .... ->schema([ ......