VPforce Controls


VPforce Controls

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Anyone having issues with Xplane 11 ??

TelemFFB Crashing

Sorry for the noob question. I was altering the settings for the UH-1H (DCS) in TelemFFB and it just closed down. I tried launching it again.. and it closed down after a second on screen... I redownloaded the latest TelemFFB and extracted it and launched it and it closes down after 1 second. I have rebooted and get the same behaviour... Any ideas? Is there a log file produced to trace these kind of 'behaviours'? TIA...

Hi, went to bed and just got back from

Hi, went to bed and just got back from work I've got the Constellation Alpha now set in the configurator window (as your screenshot shows, thank you for that), but I'm still not getting any button inputs to display...

TelemFFB issue

Effects from Telem, gunfire engine rumble

Hi, I'm bulding joistick - not ruder so

Hi, I'm bulding joistick - not ruder so I need two X and Y. I've tried to disable offline motor. After that configurator can read data from online motor. Additionally I've checked: - motor data cable is ok (both pairs) - mainboard is ok (working motor is identifiable on any data port) - Motor X is offline in any combination but it is blinking the same as other motor when not connected (motherboard is always quiet)...

I've just checked that all looks solid

I've just checked that all looks solid and connected , I've also used reset settings to factory which changed everything to some weird settings but still have no input from grip

ok. The stick is limp and the black dial

ok. The stick is limp and the black dial is a Zero

HelloThank you very much in advance, i

HelloThank you very much in advance, i have done what you told me and again the same situation.It doesnĀ“t work in DCS only.There are only two scripts in the carpet
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I look forward to your settings ā˜ŗ

I look forward to your settings ā˜ŗļø

I can give it a try, I'm not very

I can give it a try, I'm not very technically skilled but willing to try.

You can test the internal connections by

You can test the internal connections by probing with a multimeter in diode test mode: put the positive(red) probe on GND go through other pins with the negative(black) one. It should read a diode (~0.5-0.7V) on all pins, otherwise it would indicate a broken internal connection.
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Step one is make sure you have the right

Step one is make sure you have the right version. The "release" build (0.1.3) didnt have support for MSFS. Grab the latest from the pinned post in #VPforce-TelemFFB and then do as blave says

Because of the way TelemFFB takes

Because of the way TelemFFB takes control of the spring for all of MSFS, you will need sticky enabled in order for the spring forces and configured force trim in configurator to work. Iā€™ve been playing with implementing a pseudo-native force trim in TelemFFB for MSFS but have run into some challenges and havenā€™t had a chance to run by walmis yet....