


Join the community to ask questions about Homarr and get answers from other members.


Homarr cannot reach containers running on macvlans

Hello I am having an isssue, I have a few docker services running on macvlan networks (they both need to have port 80 and 443 so macvlan is the only way) However, homarr isn't able to reach those containers, unless I join the same macvlan network...

Is the DNS disable timer already implemented or is it planned for v1.0?

The wiki has screenshots that show the DNS disable timer button which initially confused me because I can't find it on the latest release v0.15.3 - https://homarr.dev/docs/widgets/dns-hole/#controls I'm assuming it's just planned for v1.0 and not released publicly yet?...
was it merged after v0.15.3 maybe? 🤔 In any case it is in dev so it will be present in v1.0 for sure. Maybe if a v0.15.4 comes out in the meantime....
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Half of my apps suddenly went missing

I was trying out categories in my default homescreen to check how would they look. I created 3 of them and then I realized I can't change it's width. So I decided to remove them.
Before removing the categories, I draged all apps from them so they wont get deleted with the categories. When I clicked save, half of my apps were missing. I can search them, even the config has the apps, but I am not seeing them in my default screen. Any suggestions?...

Integrations and how they work

Currently migrating on TrueNAS Scale. Previously used Heimdall, switching to Homarr. How do you get the intergrations and widgets to work? I added tiles for a few apps, after a little bit I had positive pings to qBittorrent, Sonarr and Radarr. But I was not able to figure out how the Widgets work for qBittorrent. Where do I put in its info (User/password, API keys etc)? Plex also does not seem to connect... Certificate issue?

Use Caddy as the reverse proxy

Hi, I've been trying to use my Caddy reverse proxy with Homarr, but I'm encountering a problem. Homarr starts using http://ca7dab43dd9f:7575 (Docker container ID) instead of (localhost). This is my docker-compose.yml file:...
I don't know what to write, and I'm not the best English writter 🙂 I have also done this on localhost, I think to use any domain it only require to change it in the Caddyfile homarr.mydomain.com for example. But I can't test this right now because I don't have any domain....

Proxmox Health Monitoring Not Working

Hello! I am trying to get proxmox working on the health monitoring widget. I added the API key to a proxmox app the way the documentation said to and any time I reload the web page it errors with these lines that get added to the container logs ERROR Error executing health monitoring...
I fixed it. I was using my cloudflare url to access it but I changed it to the public ip and now it works.

Dash . widget integration does not work

Dash . widget integration does not work. It works in browser locally. It works as an iframe even within Homarr but not as widget.
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Plex Media Server widget stopped working

Any idea how to debug this? I have the plex app in my Homarr with the correct API key (retrieved using this method: https://support.plex.tv/articles/204059436-finding-an-authentication-token-x-plex-token/) It worked previously but now it's not working anymore. Playing content and nothing is showing in the widget....
Remove /web

go to localhost

Hi (new user here), I have this need - I usually access my home lab from two different networks (either the vpn hostname when I am away, or the LAN IP address when I am home). This may be an issue, because when I add a hosted app (in the same host where homarr docker container is), I cannot really refer to localhost as address. Do you have any suggestion? Meaning any solution from UI level, so when i am connected via IP clicking the app will lead me to the self hosted app both when I am using vpn hostname or direct IP address. I know this is not strictly a homarr problem, but probably anyone in this community has dealt with it already....
https://github.com/ajnart/homarr/releases/tag/v0.15.3 under placeholder for dynamic URLs. Would that be what you're looking for?...

Background tiling

I am trying to use this gif and have it tile on Homarr. I set to all repeat modes thinking it would tile but it scales the image up and doesn't repeat anything. Anyway I could fix this?

Weird design with categories

It seems categories no longer surround the objects inside them as shown in pic
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Integration for Adguard Home (as a Home Assistant OS Plugin)

Hi I'm getting started with Homarr at the moment, and for the most part everything seems really nice. I'm having issues getting the Adguard Integration to work though. The problem is that my construction here seems to be a bit unique. I have two devices running here, my main server which is an Unraid machine where most of my apps run as Docker, including now Homarr. I also have a smaller low-energy machine which handles the absolute basics, which is Home Assistant and Adguard as a Home Assistant OS Addon. That way, I can take my main server offline when I don't need it without losing my DNS service and half of my household not working 🙂 I'm not sure if I can integrate the Adguard Addon into Homarr, as it is running on the same adress as Home Assistant, and the authentication also gets somehow handled by Home Assistant so I don't have a seperate username/password pair for Adguard. Maybe this isn't quite the right place to ask, and some Home Assistant OS guys would know more about how the Addons get handled internally, but maybe someone here already fiddled with Home Assistant OS in a similar way...
This is the Home Assistant config menu for the Adguard Add-On (which I completely missed multiple times 😅). If you activate the "Show disabled ports" switch, you can then enter a port for the http interface. Make sure to either disable SSL on this page or get a certificate. If you leave SSL enabled with the bound http port and without a certificate the Add-On won't load

How to change logo, favicon and background ?

Hello guy, hope you all good. I'm totaly new, i come here after reading documentation of Homarr and i can't find how to setup a path to use my custom background, logo and favicon. I see this about the background image : you can find out here how to mount the public image directory. But hiting the link (here) redirect me to this : https://link.to.something. even this link that i found is not working : https://homarr.dev/docs/customizations/icons...
https://homarr.dev/docs/advanced/customizations/icons#using-your-icons here's the docs for the icons. Note that you need to restart your homarr container every time you add an image or icon for it to be seen...

Incorrect time

The time showing in the Date and Time widget is off by 1 hour. It is currently 22:09 and it's showing 21:09. The timezone is configured correctly - to Europe/Prague. Is there any way for me to fix this?...
just found out what it was, I had location spoofing enabled in NordVPN, which was changing it to the wrong time, with it disabled it works just fine
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Feature request

I can't make this myself because im not a developer. But if anyone out there know what Wazuh is. It would be extremely handy to be able to see Wazuh stats in the homarr app. And btw thanks for this amazing dashboard, its very handy 🙂...
if you want to request a feature you should do it here and tag it as one or so i was told 🙂

Ping check not working in dashboard

When i ssh to the homarr machine, and ping all the hosts. Its working, no problemo But the dashboard ping check fails on most of my integrations. I double checked the IP is correct, and i checked the guide several times im pretty certain everything is done correctly...
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Is there any way to add a System Health Monitor

In the official documentation you can only implement a System Health Monitor using Proxmox or OpenMediaVault. https://homarr.dev/docs/widgets/health-monitoring/ Is there any way to monitor your server stats without Proxmox or OpenMediaVault? ...

Help with Authentik

Today I tried creating a Homarr server using OIDC login per these instructions. I added an OAuth2/OpenID provider in Authentik called Homarr with a redirect URI https://quokka.wiki, and an application called Homarr with slug homarr and with the previously made Homarr provider. I then made my Docker compose like so:...
Now the Redirect URI is https://mydomain.example/api/auth/callback/oidc

Pihole widget issue

I installed the Pihole widget a couple of days ago but noticed that it always stay at 0% for everything, any idea what's wrong?
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dash. don't work

i installed docker dash on my synology ds923+. it works perfectly and i see all the data in the browser, but when i apply the widget in homarr and go to enter the web address of dash. i get this error: "unable to retrieve information, you have installed the latest version of dash. ?" ...