


This is Xata's community Discord server, where we discuss all things Xata: projects, features, dreams!




Search Method Cache issue

I'm using the xata.db.tablename.search method to retrieve data, and when I update or delete a data and immediately try to re-fetch records I get the old values only and only after few seconds I get the changed value. I think it might be cache, if so is there any way to clear it and get updated value ?

Xata dedicated instance version string

Hey, I am a contractor representing Neon. We recently shipped https://pgversions.com/ and we put the shared instance pg version string as the one there We saw this comment on YC -> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41878149 and we were wondering if someone could send the connection string for a dedicated instance please. Thanks!...

table [Zeldadle:main/zelda_daily_boss] is not compatible with xata; please adapt it

Hello ! I created my table using Datagrip and I have this error when using the http endpoint:
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"Projection/Select" in search queries?

I've been adding text search to my site and was trying to figure out a way to limit the amount of data sent back to the client. Is there a natively supported way to only select/return a specific set of columns using search, whilst still searching those columns? Specific example, I want to search article content, but do not need to return the whole content body, I only need the names and id's of the articles that matched over n many points. ...

File-Type Columns no work

Since yesterday, I no longer have the option to add file-type columns in the tables. Does anyone know what could be the issue? I still have a free plan.

Links (Relationships) database structure and filter / query approach

Hi everyone, I am very new to Xata and databases generally and I am trying to build a small web app. I am using Next.js Latest, typescript. I am looking for some guidance on setup and then filtering the data, so any help would be appreciated: The situation I have is: ...
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REST API - Unknown Column Type

I'm looking to wire Xata to a low-code frontend (Divhunt). I'm testing using the Rest API to get a list of entries from my table. The filtering function isn't working how I think it should. I use Prisma to manage the backend of my database. The column I'm filtering on is an Enum in Prisma. ```...

Unable to get query using dynamic table

I want to retrieve data with the filter userId is this.userId. but when I do it with dynamic table name I get an error:
This expression is not callable.
Each member of the union type '{ <F extends FilterColumns<AgentRecord> | JSONFilterColumns<AgentRecord>>(column: F, value: FilterValueAtColumn<AgentRecord, F>): Query<...>; (filter?: BaseApiFilter<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined): Query<...>; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }' has signatures, but none of those signatures are compatible with each other.ts(2349)
This expression is not callable.
Each member of the union type '{ <F extends FilterColumns<AgentRecord> | JSONFilterColumns<AgentRecord>>(column: F, value: FilterValueAtColumn<AgentRecord, F>): Query<...>; (filter?: BaseApiFilter<...> | ... 1 more ... | undefined): Query<...>; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }' has signatures, but none of those signatures are compatible with each other.ts(2349)

Sql over http unused parameters.

I need help using the typescript sdk to pull data using sql. ```ts const my_nam = 'interbro' const my_date = '2020-04-01'...

unable to execute start operation: pq: syntax error at or near ")"

I keep getting this error whenever I try to start a migration. This is my migration.json file: [ { "create_table": {...

Column is not an object or link

Hey I am trying to create an relation in my database schema. I am using Prisma ORM. Somehow this schema makes the xata.io table view break more specifically the view for Child table. It says "Error loading data... columns invalid: column [parentId]: column is not an object or link". I have done the modification thing that xata prompts me for when I first open the viewer I just have not pulled the schema to my prisma.schema as I thought it was more clear to only show the schema I wrote. What am I doing wrong?...

High severity vulnerabilities when installing @xata.io/cli

Hi all, encountered 4 high severity vulnerabilities when I installed the CLI: ``` npm install @xata.io/cli added 200 packages, changed 3 packages, and audited 1808 packages in 14s...

Had a question, is there a way to store long text

I was trying to get descriptions for my products to fit in the database but i end up hitting character limits when using "text", is there a fix for this OR will long-text support be coming soon?

Error: Option apiKey is required in Remix loader

Hello, I've been trying to query from Xata in a Remix loader, and am getting this error. ``` Error: Option apiKey is required at XataClient.parseOptions_fn...

Query execution issue with CTE in xata.sql

I am trying to exceute a query in xata.sql but it thorws an error where I try to use a CTE. CTE as a general works but whe, for example if I try to use select * for ProductMaxDiscount ; it is working. But if I use an alias for the cte and refer them in select or try to join with other, I get table not found error. I tried the query in other postgres env, it is working fine. Below is the query I want to execute. And below that I'll attach the ddl for quick start for testing. ...

XATA > N8N suddenly throwing: this endpoint works only with non postgres enabled branches

Everything on my other workflows is working fine exactly the same set up. NOW on a new workflow (same structure) I am getting this error. Frustrating...
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Unable to create text field with unique constraint from UI

Earlier there was a string field which can be added with unique constraints from checkbox, but now after the text field I don't see the checkbox there. Was that removed intentionally ? How can I add unique constraints now If I want to ?...
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"now" as default value for timestamp not working

When adding a new timestamp column in the xata web ui (using xata with postgres enabled), if you set the default value to be now, it sets the default value to the time at which you created the column instead of being the time when a new row is created.
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Prisma changes not being applied to database on specific fields.

I'm trying to build an admin dashboard/client support ticket page. I have a clients table which has "avatarUrl" and "imageId" fields as well as other random information needed for the site. All other fields can be updated with no problems, but for some reason the avatarUrl and imageId simply refuse to be updated. I can update these fields through the Prisma Studio, but no changes can be made through the
await prisma.client.update
await prisma.client.update
query works. I have ensured that the ID matches, and the updated information is valid, but no changes are ever made. Running ```javascript const res1 = await prisma.client.update({...