


This is Xata's community Discord server, where we discuss all things Xata: projects, features, dreams!




Pgroll support for creating index on huge table with frequent reads & writes

Hi PgRoll Team, I’m Azad, and I have a use case where I’d like to understand if PgRoll can provide support. Currently, I’m using Flyway to manage schema migrations, but I recently encountered an issue with the following error: SQL State : 53400...

Identity table sequence name is ignored

When creating an identity column via id int PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (SEQUENCE NAME blobs_id_seq ...) the sequence name is then returned as a number (i.e. 6088102) this causes issues with migrations via drizzle-kit push is this a limitation of the free plan and are there any ways around it?

Connect xata-db with encore.dev

tried this connection in the db>index.ts file but wasn't able to figure out.
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@auth/xata-adapter issue.

i've a sveltekit app (svelte 4) and i am using authjs (nextauth) to implement google signin. signout / signout works. however i've noticed that updateSession doesn't work. i spent some time and bumped my authjs related packages to the latest i.e. @auth/core@latest @auth/sveltekit@latest @auth/xata-adapter@latest. my session config is as follows: ``` session: {...

invalid or expired jwt

Hey all, I was trying to use the "export full table to CSV" feature on the web interface but was getting the error in the attached screenshot. Is this because the table is pretty large and it's timing out? I was able to export earlier without issues, but the table size has grown larger.
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Migrations failed on git update

When I create my PR my xata dev branch has migrations, because of that a preview branch is created as the documentation says to see my |migrations", but this branch never brings my changes even if my PR has the new migrations, so when I merge my PR, xata wont update main with new migrations.
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Error: branch [sharai:develop] has search disabled

Hi there, I used to build products with Xata as it's powerful and has a free plan. I'm currently building a product and faced a search error. I thinks it's because of pricing update. So I'd like to ask if I can have a fully featured plan for testing as used to be before moving to production. Thanks...

Connection terminated unexpectedly

I have my database set up like this const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: process.env.XATA_DATABASE_URL, max: 10, });...

Drizzle pull/push: Permission denied for view pg_stat_user_indexes

Hi 👋 Sorry to bother you again. Quick question: After a long while I'm using the drizzle commands again and now I'm receiving the following error: ```bash...

Help with Drizzle

Hey team, i would like to run introspect and pull commands from drizzle-kit, but i seem to be running into an error the config:-...

Branch copy has old schema version

Hi 👋 I have an issue that a new branch does not include all columns of the base branch. Workspace ID: 5713tr...

Error using aggregation: search disabled

Hi, i have been using the aggregation endpoint for long, but I am now receiving an error: "branch [esabiciPg:main] has search disabled". I can't find a way to enable it. Did something change recently or is this an error?

postgreSQL alternative

Hello Is it possible to connect to my Xata database using mysql/php instead of postgreSQL ? If I look at code snippet, I can't find the mysql option under php ...

Error: Out of Memory when creating a new sequence on pg-enabled DBs

I'm looking to create a new sequence, but it doesn't look like the pg instance is letting me create one- ``` When running then CREATE SEQUENCE foo_bar_id_seq MINVALUE 20;...
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CLI/programmatic migrations for pg-enabled dbs

Hey all, I'm looking to try and test out xata, and want to be able to do some migrations programmatically So far, it looks like re-using my existing Flyway migrations is out (I can't just point it to the xata instance unless it's a dedicated instance), so I figured that pgroll CLI would be the way to go I know that pgroll is already built-in to the UI itself for managing, and prior questions seem to point to the UI (https://discord.com/channels/996791218879086662/1268594196474757121), but I was wondering if there was a way to get programmatic or externally-driven migrations working with xata- trying with:...

`SET` and `current_setting` Usage in Xata

I'm exploring the possibility of migrating our application to Xata. However, I've encountered some issues with the SET statement, set_config, and current_setting functions. We rely on these functions to pass additional session parameters (e.g., userid, tenantid, etc.) for RLS and auditing purposes. Have I overlooked something, or is this functionality simply unavailable in Xata? Thanks in advance!

Option apiKey is required

Please can someone tell me why I keep getting Option apiKey is required...
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pgroll with drizzle generated migrations - possible?

Is it possible to use the migrations generated with drizzle-kit generate with pgroll? This would make our db schema updating process very smooth!...

Requests that go on forever and no response

Hello! I use Datagrip to access my database and very often for very simple queries like: SELECT id FROM public.cosmetics t LIMIT 201...