man just did a discord search for

man just did a discord search for "PathResolvers" and got a blast from the past
9 Replies
creating thread to keep things organzied
seems to be failing on that first check idk how the runtimes check works at all given its code its trying to get the directory of the so file but since its not there it fails
Perksey2y ago
so the path resolution stuff is like a pipeline it gets the outputs of all previous stages as its input and is called for each one
Perksey2y ago
so there will be one stage that does a Path.Combine(<exe dir>, name) and then this one that combines the parent of that dir with the runtimes folder we expect
ah found the boog
i think yeah the path is getting the .so file appended twice cus in the foreach, it appends the name to the rid folder where it probably shouldnt thats a simple fix yup PR soon