Bandwidth in site hosting
I have a website for my college it will containt all the docs file of our subjects if i linked the file like that
and every one downloaded the file like this it will be considered as a bandwidth usage from the site ?
Google Docs
lect1_data structure_2020.pdf
10 Replies
because the hosting website has a limit of 100GB
can you link that some other way, preferably not as a PDF? I'm not really comfortable opening random PDFs on people's google drive
sorry i didn't understand u
i will link this in a button and name it Download so when u click it it opens the pdf file and u can download it
oh, you're putting a link to the google drive PDF in the button?
it will be something like that
<button class="btn btn-primary text-end"><a href="" target="_blank">Download</a></button>
then no, that doesn't count against your hosting bandwidth, but will count against your google drive bandwidth which is also limited
so do u know a file hosting web site cdn or some thing like that ?
there's a bunch, but they'll all also have limited free bandwidth and paid tiers with more
i found on google daily limit of google drive is 750GB
so that will not be a problem
in worst case i will use 80GB bandwidth per month
Another question if i embed video youtube in the website it will use bandwidth of youtube right ? not the hosting serber