Anyone here transfer or planning on transferring to a degree program after CPA?

I have a few questions, dm me
74 Replies
yuh🍛2y ago
yea i saw that aswell which sem are you on
split2y ago
I did 4 semesters, now I am doing my 2nd coop term, so I have 2 semesters left after my coop to graduate
yuh🍛2y ago
oh ok im on my last, just figuring out how to apply and stuff think i got it figured out now
Fatality2y ago
I got accepted into the McMaster Btech program in software eng, its 2 extra years though checking this out if its only an extra year
yuh🍛2y ago
its usually a 4 year program though right?
Fatality2y ago
yeah but since i finished CPA, they take 2 years into credit
yuh🍛2y ago
yea i saw that pathway did you apply to multiple uni's or just mcmaster?
Fatality2y ago
just the McMaster one, if I got accepted to McMaster, I dont see why Algoma wont
yuh🍛2y ago
oh ok so you submitted it through the mcmaster website and not the ouac one right?
Fatality2y ago
no i went through OUAC there is a supplementary form they have u do through McMaster though
yuh🍛2y ago
oh so do you remember what info you had to send? i saw that its asking me for transcripts and personal info, anything else?
Fatality2y ago
they might ask you for activates you've done prior to Seneca aka everything you've done after HighSchool and then just the official seneca transcript
yuh🍛2y ago
yea saw that aswell oh ok nice
Fatality2y ago
it was easy
yuh🍛2y ago
thats good
Fatality2y ago
whats ur GPA if u dont mind me asking?
yuh🍛2y ago
ill dm it
SpiderMan2y ago
yo0 im interested in this too, pm me i wanna talk about this.
Gaby2y ago
that algoma thing looks good you can even do it with just cpp
Σ2y ago
Imo if youre able to get a co op then you dont need to go anywhere after this
@fatality99 Do you know if CPP could be accepted to mcmaster with like 2.5 yrs more to do? I don't want to spend 3 more yrs to get my bachelors
roastyy17mo ago
are you in newnham campus or markham campus?
splite17mo ago
dnd split is afk: money making time - 7 hours ago
StoneWorld10mo ago
can anyone send a link for the mcmaster degree program?
split10mo ago
Newnham Was I don't think there's a McMaster pathway right? I know of Algoma
TCO10mo ago i just think algoma has an edge in flexibility and options, on par with guelph
TCO10mo ago
it's just like programming in general: ask yourself, what you want to achieve. McMaster sounds like the best for the audience here. Some people look for a school with reputation/good ranking. Some look for more math/not so much math. Some want online mode/offline, straight moving to the school's city. Etc etc. Personally i'd find it to be a lot of time, as with most other schools, unless you are barely 20 and you have no prior degree.
Kink10mo ago
you just need 1 year in griffth uni australia and its top 300 uni in world after cpa or 1.5 yrs after cpp
sirSIDEKICK10mo ago
Not only is McMaster an option, it’s one of the best since it’s completely online and has more night classes than day classes. Built for people with jobs
j8mo ago
Anybody look into Guelphs Bachof comp sci? What do u guys think of Guelph as opposed to McMaster
TCO6mo ago
i have the same questions. how do people view different universities?
Nx5mo ago
Can Seneca credits be transferred only to the universities and programs listed on the seneca website?
Shiki5mo ago
i believe so yeah
mastaoogway5mo ago
maybe if you had a 4.0 or something other universities might take a look. Try calling them?
coldorange5mo ago
Have you managed to get more information about this program? I had sent them an email and they never responded.
TCO5mo ago
well i wrote to mcmaster, and i got vague answers -"just apply first. we'll consider your application if/when you qualify" -and more ads. Our comments above seem more informative.
Dayman5mo ago
I got a response from them before, what question did you have ?
coldorange5mo ago
Thanks. Mostly if the tuition follows undergraduate fee structure. How many courses you take at a time/general program structure.
split5mo ago
Nah I gave up. Experience is more valuable to me than more education
Kink5mo ago
but to gain experience you need education
Mamuchi5mo ago
not really, its kinda different in programming
coldorange5mo ago
Experience is more valuable after your first few jobs. But higher ed can also set you apart in senior roles.
split5mo ago
to get your foot in the door, yes it does help.
muscle aggregator 82
Let's be real if you have zero education your chances of being considered for hire drop to near zero Doesn't matter how good you are, recruiters don't have a good ability to judge your skill because they are not technical people. All they go by is education, work experience and keywords
Rust5mo ago
so is it worth transferring to a uni?
muscle aggregator 82
Depends The pros: - It will make finding your first job easier IF you cold apply (Indeed, LinkedIn) - It will give you opportunities to network - only useful if you take initiative, most don't - Depending on the uni your coop opportunities pool may be bigger The cons: - It's more expensive - You are more likely to take on debt as a domestic student (OSAP grants cover larger % of tuition for Seneca than they would for a uni, smaller loan necessary) - Extra 2-3 years before you get the degree and can start working full time and not as a "student" employee who gets paid less
Rust5mo ago
Will it affect my career on the long term? Should I forget about it if I’m an international student? How do I network?
muscle aggregator 82
@Rust these are loaded questions, remind me to answer them tomorrow
Rust5mo ago
muscle aggregator 82
Remind me again at 6pm
Rust5mo ago
No description
muscle aggregator 82
It’s not 6pm yet
Rust5mo ago
It wasn’t a reminder
muscle aggregator 82
Ngl tho that pic has me cracking up
muscle aggregator 82
Gimme some context about yourself. Where you from, financial situation, etc. I will give a better answer
Rust5mo ago
Money is not a problem, it’s just that is the extra year in the uni worth it? And how easy is it to transfer?
muscle aggregator 82
Extra 2 years if you do CPP. If you’re willing to network aggressively or already have someone who can hook you up with a job then I’d say not worth to go uni. Otherwise it’s probably worth if you get into a good uni. Transfer difficulty depends on uni and your GPA. Anything is possible with a 4.0 GPA
Rust5mo ago
Im in BSD rn
muscle aggregator 82
I see. There are claims that BSD has good coop but I have my doubts If you can get into something like Waterloo they get blessed up the ass with coops. But honestly you can achieve the same thing if you put yourself in front of the right ppl Start with friends and family, that’s the easiest thing. See if a friend’s parent or something can hook you up. You can also try your professors. Otherwise go to events, hackathons, literally anything that has important or interesting ppl attending. Maybe look for hidden communities on discord and such. Gotta get creative
Rust5mo ago
Apart from the coop, do people who graduate from universities get more preference than the ones from college while getting hired? Alright, thanks a lot man
muscle aggregator 82
Slightly. But the ultimate preference comes from recommendations. Recommendation >>>>> uni degree > college diploma
Rust5mo ago
In my case, college degree But I get the point
muscle aggregator 82
Point is to fight for that recommendation, that’s the big fish
Rust5mo ago
Btw, nice back
Rust5mo ago
Have you watched bronson?
muscle aggregator 82
Put it on my resume No
Rust5mo ago
Get a stache and youre him
No description
muscle aggregator 82
Lol Guy needs a cut Looking sloppy
shmerg5mo ago
Looks good a d lean at least wt the lighting Dont gotta be pre 13% to look deezed