Is there a way (with slash commands) to press shift+enter to add new lines to messages?

This is my /server-status command. I couldn't press shift + enter, it didn't do anything so this wall of text came out. I am just using the default message (or string? not looking at the code currently) option. I used to be able to have messages like these with the old prefix commands: Looks so much nicer and easier to read.
9 Replies
monbrey2y ago
Erin2y ago
So there isn't a way to format it like the second picture?
monbrey2y ago
Im not really sure what you mean though, what does this have to do with the slash command
Erin2y ago
I use a command to post these messages in my server.
monbrey2y ago
\n is the newline character in Javascript Oh, as in you write this as a command input option? Yeah multiline isnt supported for input strings yet
Erin2y ago
Yet is a good sign. I guess for this bot, I'll have to use some commands as prefix... not a public bot so doesn't matter for this one. Last question, I have a public bot that has a similar command, could that effect it from getting verified by Discord if I uses a command like this as a prefix command instead of a slash command?
monbrey2y ago
No idea
Erin2y ago
Aight. Guess, I will hope not lol Oh that would work since I have my iPad. Thanks!
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