Environment variable issue with secondary environment

Hello. I'm trying to separate the environments on my project, and seems like I'm having an issue with variables. I'm using Doppler for secret injection, and this requires presence of the DOPPLER_TOKEN variable in Railway. Before I branched off the new environment (development), I had this variable set for production and all was working just fine. Then I created the development, and added the variable from prod copying the value, which was pointing to Doppler's prod environment. After this the production service launched fine same as before, but the development (with the same token) crashed with Doppler Error: you must provide a token I created 2 new tokens - one for prod and one for dev, and put them in corresponding places in Railway. Sadly, no change - still crashing with the same error. Given that the token is actually there, it doesn't seem like a Doppler issue to me. Could be wrong, though. Please, help.
6 Replies
eirk2y ago
so u have an environment production, and it has an env var DOPPLER_TOKEN with value whatever token it is, and another environment development, and it has an env var DOPPLER_TOKEN with value whatever token it is? if ur doing smth like ${DOPPLER_TOKEN}, that wont work also check if u have any typos
shoomow2y ago
just to clarify: - production -> DOPPLER_TOKEN = value1 (works) - development -> DOPPLER_TOKEN = value2 (doesn't work)
shoomow2y ago
I'm talking about system interface.
shoomow2y ago
TLDR;: 2 environments with (presumably) identical set-up and the same set of variables, one works, the other doesn't @eirk do you need more info from me to fix this?
eirk2y ago
idk i cant help any further im not staff
shoomow2y ago
thanks for trying, @eirk