Custom Validation Rules in request

Good afternoon! I'm trying to apply my rules in request, but he doesn't see them. Just saves.
12 Replies
trompix2y ago
Hro2y ago
Hey @User142 I will take a look at this
Hro2y ago

namespace App\Rules;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule;

class DummyRule implements Rule
public function __construct()

public function passes($attribute, $value): bool
return false;

public function message(): string
return 'The dummy role did not validate';

namespace App\Rules;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule;

class DummyRule implements Rule
public function __construct()

public function passes($attribute, $value): bool
return false;

public function message(): string
return 'The dummy role did not validate';
public function rulesForUpdate()
return $this->rulesForTranslatedFields([], ['description' => [new DummyRule()]]);
public function rulesForUpdate()
return $this->rulesForTranslatedFields([], ['description' => [new DummyRule()]]);
Hro2y ago
This seems to work. Not sure if there's a difference with what you are doing. Except that I did not use the invokableRule
trompix2y ago
@Harings Rob Can i ask you? What if you refresh the page and immediately click save? Are you saving successfully? If I click on the field then the check will work.
trompix2y ago
Hro2y ago
I cannot see that video. But after refresh, when clicking save, it does validate.
trompix2y ago
@Harings Rob Is it possible to poll the field to change it to a WYSIWYG editor? Will your validation also throw an error that the field is empty?
Hro2y ago
Hro2y ago
I can do whatever I want in this rule, even if the field is a wysiwyg
trompix2y ago
By the way, thanks for the replies. But some strange behavior in the fields. If I refresh the page and try to save it, it remains calm (I connected xdebug and it does not capture data as if the rule is being ignored). If I try to write something and then erase everything, then only then my rule is applied, as if the field does not see. I did the validation like this public function rulesForCreate(): array { return $this->rulesForTranslatedFields([], [ 'city' => ['required', new RequiredWysiwyg], ]); } public function rulesForUpdate(): array { return $this->rulesForTranslatedFields([], [ 'city' => ['required', new RequiredWysiwyg], ]); } And now, in any case, if the field is empty, then an error occurs.
Hro2y ago
Hey @User142 I have checked again, created a new content, and saved without touching the wysiwyg field and my rule validates. Maybe I am not understanding what you are saying?