How to make the design work

I was wondering how i can make this design work. I feel like the contact page is too much and i am not sure if the colors will work. I am also not sure if i need to add more images/content. I was also thinking about using javascript for the first time or try to make the buttons reactive with css.
2 Replies
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ghostmonkey•2y ago
assuming these are 3 different pages, you only have 1 color per page so you aren't going to have an issue there. Some suggestions to consider: 1. maybe take out all the border radius's on your buttons / contact form / etc, to match the angularity of your header design. I think it would look more crisp 2. if the contact form had more contrast in the input fields, you wouldn't need the underline border. 3. The most important page would probably be one for your portfolio/projects. If that is what you are using the 'about' section for, I would rename it. Otherwise, I would focus on adding that page and making it a focal point on your website (hiring agents want to see your body of work) 4. this topic should probably be in the ui-ux forum, 🙂