I want to copy this STRIPE’s embeddable pricing table feature.
FOR INFO: There is a stripe embeddable pricing table feature In it,
First, we finish designing the pricing table.
Then, It spits out a code (a script tag), that we can embed in our HTML.
For like, I have a pricing page template that you want to use, and I just want you to use this little code to embed this pricing page template in your code.
How can I generate this “script and stripe-pricing-table tag”?
I don't know if I’m clear or not I tried my best to explain it.
7 Replies
Here's the StackOverflow link for the same question
Stack Overflow
I want to copy this STRIPE’s embeddable pricing table feature
FOR INFO: There is a stripe embeddable pricing table feature
In it,
First, we finish designing the pricing table.
Designing pricing table
Then, It spits out a code (a script tag), that we can embed...
you're looking for Web Components https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components
Web Components | MDN
Web Components is a suite of different technologies allowing you to create reusable custom elements — with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of your code — and utilize them in your web apps.
that's what Stripe is using at least. It lets you create custom HTML elements with Javascript
Do that stripe's custom elements retrieve data from stripe's server? That's how it works?
Likely yeah, you can look at the Javascript it fetches and see if there's any calls to fetch
@jochemm thank you for your help, you are a good guy